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Unlock Open Banking with Definition-Driven API Development and Virtualization

Open banking is the idea of breaking the monopoly of a few larger banks by letting smaller players get access to customer data, so they too can provide value added services using Application Programming Interfaces (Open APIs) to enable third-party developers to build apps and service around more traditional banking and financial services. So why is it important and how do APIs drive this new concept?

Building Fast-twitch Organizations

In today’s digital world, staying ahead of the curve is a constant challenge for organizations. The pace of business is exponentially higher now than it was even a decade ago. Technology is evolving, and the ability to keep current has become a critical success factor. Organizations need to embrace constant and rapid change. They need to equip all employees with information, motivation, and support to think critically and systemically, allowing them to innovate and reduce waste.

Finding data insights faster with BigQuery and GCP Marketplace solutions

There are plenty of trends and hot topics in the enterprise technology market today. One common area we hear about from users is that there’s a lot of data to collect, manage, and analyze. And whatever industry you’re in, you probably want to do something more with your data. We built BigQuery, one of the important tools in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) arsenal, to provide serverless cloud data warehousing and analytics with built-in machine learning to meet modern data needs.

Khan Bank: Using APIs to make banking faster and easier in Mongolia

The Soviet era left Mongolia with a legacy of manual banking processes that requires huge quantities of paperwork. This means that customers need to visit branches frequently for simple things like changing a PIN number or requesting a credit card. Since we count 2.8 million of Mongolia’s 3.3 million citizens as our customers, this could mean long lines at the bank, with an average wait time of 25 minutes for each visit. We wanted to change that.

A Serverless Architecture for Big Data

A popular term emerging from the software industry over the last few years is serverless computing, more commonly referred to as just “serverless”. So what does it mean? In its simplest form, a serverless architecture is a computing model where a service provider dynamically manages the allocation of computing resources based on a Service Level Agreement (SLA), provisioning and running resources only for the time needed and without requiring end-user involvement.

Getting Started with Talend Open Studio: Building Your First Job

In the previous blog, we walked through the installation and set-up of Talend Open Studio and briefly demonstrated key features to familiarize you with the Studio interface. In this blog, we will build a simple job to load data from a local file into Snowflake, a cloud data warehouse technology. More specifically, we will build a new job that takes customer data from your local machine and maps it to a target table within Snowflake.

You Have APIs-Why Aren't You Managing (all of) Them?

As I work with customers around the world and across verticals, I’m struck by a common pattern: many savvy business people and technologists grasp the value of the new application programming interfaces (APIs) they’re creating for external ecosystem use cases, such as providing partners access to data or functionality, but they often see both the APIs they already have and those they build for internal use in a different light — not as software products that let developers

Talend API Tester - Technical Overview

Welcome to the Talend API Tester. The Talend API Tester works hand-in-hand with the Talend API Designer to create test scenarios that emulate real-life use cases to ensure newly created API’s have been properly configured. The Tester also works with Talend Studio, helping developers test their API implementation. This video will provide a quick introduction to the API Tester application.