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Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink | Simple, Serverless Stream Processing

Stream processing plays a critical role in the infrastructure stack for data streaming. Developers can use it to filter, join, aggregate, and transform their data streams on the fly to power real-time applications and streaming data pipelines. Among stream processing frameworks, Apache Flink has emerged as the de facto standard because of its performance and rich feature set. However, self-managing Flink (like self-managing other open source tools like Kafka) can be challenging due to its operational complexity, steep learning curve, and high costs for in-house support.

The Confluent Q1 '24 Launch

The Confluent Q1 ’24 Launch is packed with new features that enable customers to build, connect, and consume intelligent data pipelines seamlessly and securely Our quarterly launches provide a single resource to learn about the accelerating number of new features we’re bringing to Confluent Cloud, our cloud-native data streaming platform.

What Does Success Look Like in DevRel?

Join Test Case Scenario with Scott McAllister, Developer Advocate at ngrok. Explore ngrok's innovative approach to securing and exposing local services online, aiding businesses like restaurants with seamless order integrations. Learn how ngrok differs from traditional VPNs, saving developers time while ensuring security through OAuth integration.

Most Common Coding Blunder for Software Engineers

Join 'Test Case Scenario' with Scott McAllister, Developer Advocate at ngrok. Explore ngrok's innovative approach to securing and exposing local services online, aiding businesses like restaurants with seamless order integrations. Learn how ngrok differs from traditional VPNs, saving developers time while ensuring security through OAuth integration.

Sometimes, Pushing Code Can Wait

Join 'Test Case Scenario' with Scott McAllister, Developer Advocate at ngrok. Explore ngrok's innovative approach to securing and exposing local services online, aiding businesses like restaurants with seamless order integrations. Learn how ngrok differs from traditional VPNs, saving developers time while ensuring security through OAuth integration.

4 Key Types of Event-Driven Architecture

Adam Bellemare compares four main types of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA): Application Internal, Ephemeral Messaging, Queues, and Publish/Subscribe. Event-Driven Architectures have a long and storied history, and for good reason. They offer a powerful way to build scalable and decoupled architectures. But thanks to its long history, people often have different ideas of what EDA means depending on when they first encountered this architecture.