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A Practical Guide to Reducing the Burden of Flaky Tests

Flaky tests are automated software tests that sometimes pass and sometimes fail without an obvious reason. Often these tests will work well for a while, then occasionally start to fail. If the test passes on a second or third try without any obvious reason for the failures, the tester typically chalks it up to a glitch in the system and ignores the failed test result.

Windows 11 Now Available on Sauce Labs

We are excited to announce that Windows 11 is now available on Sauce Labs to run tests using Firefox, Chrome, and Chromium Edge. As your team looks to accelerate automated testing by running tests in parallel, Sauce Labs gives you the ability to test against the most recent version of every operating system, ensuring that you're maximizing your OS and browser coverage.

gRPC Observability and Testing using the Speedscale CLI

gRPC is a remote procedure call framework that has been widely adopted among cloud native applications. It is an attractive choice for engineers needing more capabilities than what REST APIs provide. However, observability and testing tools for gRPC are few and far between. Because of this, triaging or understanding application behavior is potentially time-consuming and overly burdensome.

The Role of Volume Tests in Software Testing

Modern-day applications aim to cover a wide range of users’ needs in a flexible and scalable manner. The software development landscape is moving at a fast pace, and the competition is so fierce that a business simply can’t afford to offer a low-quality product. Thorough testing of both functional and non-functional aspects of a software application has become an essential step in the software development process. It ensures that users get the best version of your product.

Keep Your Tests in Sync with Code Versioning

Keeping up to the pace of software changes with good acceptance tests is challenging, and can often put a lot of pressure on the relationships between teams. Being able to detect issues faster and earlier in the development cycle is crucial to shipping good software quickly, but communicating those changes is always challenging -- and if software changes, so must the tests.

Metrics in SDLC: Let the Truth Prevail

Communication is the key to managing the stakeholders. Many times, not enough efforts are made to communicate clear details, status, risks on the ongoing projects. On the other hand, not everyone can detail every important aspect or gauge what’s important to communicate without being subjective and setting aside all emotions during communication.

Top Software testing trends to look out for in 2022

The software industry goes through a lot of research and modified methodologies that keep the software quality top-notch for the end-user. 2014 saw the trend of mobile app testing as they were becoming a multi-billion dollar business all over the world. 2015 saw the trend of scriptless testing and IoT focussed methodologies. Again, this was shaped by the market trends and the increasing importance of both of this software.

Simplify your Work from Home Challenges with Test Automation Tool Testsigma

One day suddenly the whole world locked down to prevent the pandemic from being spread uncontrollably. When machines and factories were all stopped – your social media, mobile applications, and all the digital world was still operating at the same pace as before. Even if you did not notice, millions of developers and testers worked from their homes to keep you online and help you share your thoughts, purchase essential supplies and view live news.