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Chapter 2.1: Selection and Prioritization of Element Locator Methods

This chapter shows you how to set up and prioritize different alternative locators that Katalon Studio will use when it fails to identify test objects. You’ll also learn to automatically replace broken locators with working alternatives, without changing anything in relevant test cases. About Course This course demonstrates how Katalon Studio fixes broken object locators during test executions, without any manual effort involved. Equipped with Self-Healing, Studio automatically finds and uses pre-configured alternative locators to identify web elements, preventing tests from breaking.

Chapter 2.2: Self Healing Object Exclusion and Broken Object Replacement

This chapter shows you how to set up and prioritize different alternative locators that Katalon Studio will use when it fails to identify test objects. You’ll also learn to automatically replace broken locators with working alternatives, without changing anything in relevant test cases. About Course This course demonstrates how Katalon Studio fixes broken object locators during test executions, without any manual effort involved. Equipped with Self-Healing, Studio automatically finds and uses pre-configured alternative locators to identify web elements, preventing tests from breaking.

Test Coverage in Software Testing: Its Relevance & Important Techniques to Take Note

Software is wonderfully useful for so many situations but it can be a challenge to create something reliable – something that won’t be riddled with errors. Software that is lacking doesn’t just ruin the user experience, it can cause a load of problems that spread way beyond that. Research indicates that the cost of poor-quality software is about $2.8 trillion in the US alone. Needless to say, creating effective and dependable software should be a priority for any business.

Supercharge Software Development with Low-code Test Automation

In a fast-changing world, technology and business leaders need to adopt new approaches to software development that will align customer-facing functions, improve customer experience, reduce operational costs and support business growth. According to Gartner’s IT Automation Predictions for 2021, these new approaches will allow teams to spend less time testing and more time innovating, shifting up to 30% of IT operations efforts from support to continuous engineering.

Too many Cloud Testing Tools are Distracting and Addictive. Here's How to Fix It.

In this new work from home era, a lot of companies have moved more and more towards online services and new tools to keep their productivity at similar levels as before. It’s harder and harder to keep track of all the tools and services you use on a regular basis to test all your websites and API services of your business. Here at LoadFocus it gets easier and easier to make use of the integrated testing services we provide as of today.

How to Bring Accessibility into Your Teams - CTM Online

How often have you heard that "Yes this is important, but we don’t have the capacity right now" or "sure, let’s put it in the backlog"? This is something we should not brush off or take lightly. Accessibility testing is vital especially when your product is a user facing application. We need to be socially aware as a team and build quality towards our product with making it more accessible.

How We Got a 12% Increase in RPS and a 37% Drop in Latency

At Kong, we run performance testing in CI in every commit or pull request that has a potential performance impact, as well as on each release. Thanks to the performance testing framework and its integration with Github Actions, we can easily get basic metrics like RPS and latency. Also, flame graphs to pinpoint the significant part that draws down performance. With that workflow in place, we figured one of the most significant parts of Kong’s hotpath is Nginx variable accesses.

Failed Tests Can Be a Good Thing, as Long as You're Not Tolerating Too Many of Them

“Why do we fall?” This is a question directed at a young Bruce Wayne by the lovable butler Alfred Pennyworth in Batman Begins. The answer? “So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” It’s a wise and heartwarming approach to failure, a quote that teaches us to learn from our mistakes.

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Five steps towards better software for A11Y accessibility

The A11Y movement is an important one, because it refers to how accessible software is to everyone, ensuring that apps can be used by the maximum number of people to ensure inclusivity. The A11Y is a numeronym, with 11 referring to the number of letters that the word 'accessibility' contains between 'a' and 'y'. Nor is this just about reaching the most potential customers: with increasing numbers of websites and apps being used for healthcare, government and more, A11Y has become a must. After all, in many countries, accessibility is a right protected by law.