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June 2023

Celebrating Keboola's Rockstar Moment: We've Snagged the "Powered By Snowflake" Award!

We're excited to announce that Keboola has been honored with the "Powered By Snowflake" award at Snowflake’s prestigious Third Annual Data Drivers Awards for the EMEA region. The Data Drivers Awards is an annual celebration hosted by Snowflake, the trailblazing Data Cloud company. The awards honor pioneering organizations and individuals from the EMEA region who push the boundaries of what's possible with the Data Cloud, driving transformative changes across industries.

Benchmarking Snowpark Vs. Spark For Data Processing

Are you a data scientist or data engineer looking to improve your data operations and workflows? Look no further than Snowpark! Our team at Keboola has conducted comprehensive benchmark tests pitting Snowpark against Spark, a traditional data processing engine. Our findings? Snowpark outperforms Spark in both speed and cost for most data engineering and machine learning tasks. ‍ Inside, you’ll find: ‍ Unlock the full potential of your data.

Keboola & Whaly: Getting You From Raw Data to Insights Faster

Is your business growing to the point where it’s critical to start learning from your data? It’s no easy feat figuring out where to start, especially if you don’t have a data team or the resources to hire one. While we all know that data has become the lifeblood of businesses, providing valuable insights that fuel decision-making and growth, getting started on the data journey is easier said than done.

How to deliver successful AI products with Keboola?

If you haven’t been tuned in, AI products are the new “it girl” on the block, turning heads and transforming the way businesses operate. This seismic shift isn't merely a trend; it's the new norm. AI has massive implications for Keboola’s mission - helping companies create and ship better data projects faster. We’ve been helping build AI-powered products for years, but the recent innovations in the space have accelerated our efforts even further.

7 Best Data Integration Techniques In 2023

As the pace of data grows, modern companies struggle to get a unified view and extract insights across all their disparate sources. Heck, just accessing all the enterprise datasets can be hard and requires too many email chains with the IT department. Luckily, integrating data from different systems and external sources can be simplified with the right data integration technique.

9 Data Quality Checks to Solve (Almost) All Your Issues

Can you put a number to how much bad data is costing your business? This includes everything from marketing losing 21 cents of every advertising dollar due to misinformed business decisions to data engineers wasting more than 3h daily resolving data quality issues. Luckily, you can guarantee high-quality data with 9 simple checks. In this article, we’ll look at.