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February 2024

How to dockerize a Django, Preact, and PostgreSQL Application

During my recent deep dive into new technologies, I found the classic issues of integrating numerous tech tools effectively. I've written about my experiences to save you the trouble I had. One essential component I've looked into is using Docker to implement containerization. While the initial setup takes a little longer, it significantly simplifies and optimizes your technological stack.

Deploying serverless applications with Laravel Vapor

In recent years, the serverless paradigm has become known as a transformative approach to application development, allowing us to focus more on writing code and less on managing infrastructure. Laravel Vapor, a serverless deployment platform for Laravel applications, brings the power of the Laravel framework into the world of serverless architecture.

Visualizing Ahoy analytics in Rails

At Honeybadger, we use Ahoy for first-party analytics in Rails. Ahoy is excellent for developers because it lives in your Rails application alongside your other data and code. Want to answer a specific question about your product or website visitors? It's just one ActiveRecord query away: Ahoy also works with Chartkick and Groupdate to visualize your data.

Building reusable UI components in Rails with ViewComponent

Reusable UI components are user interface widgets or elements that can be used in various places in a web project. These components are typically small and created for a specific functionality. Typically, you write the code once and then import the UI components wherever needed. For example, you can create a card component that displays certain information or have a navigation bar that will appear at the top of all web pages. Such UI elements can be imported and added to your desired web page.