Accelerate Search In The Data Cloud With Generative AI
Sridhar Ramaswamy (Neeva co-founder) on the LLM landscape and his excitement for Summit!
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Sridhar Ramaswamy (Neeva co-founder) on the LLM landscape and his excitement for Summit!
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In spite of diligent digital transformation efforts, most financial services institutions still support a loose patchwork of siloed systems and repositories. These dis-integrated resources are “data platforms” in name only: in addition to their high maintenance costs, their lack of interoperability with other critical systems makes it difficult to respond to business change.
BI and analytics are both umbrella terms referring to a type of data insight software. Many providers use them interchangeably, but some use them in conjunction, claiming to offer both business intelligence and business analytics. This of course makes us wonder: what’s the difference?
At three full days and nearly 4,000 registered attendees, Gartner Data & Analytics Summit 2023 in London was the largest data and analytics summit in EMEA to date. That much interest in data and analytics thrills us, of course — but it was also exciting because it was one of our first major events following the announcement that Talend has been acquired by Qlik. There was a lot to talk about!
Performance. Reliability. Cost-effectiveness. Unravel is a data observability platform that provides cost intelligence, warehouse optimization, query optimization, and automated alerting and actions for high-volume users of the Snowflake Data Cloud. Unravel leverages AI and automation to deliver realtime, user-level and query-level cost reporting, code-level optimization recommendations, and automated spend controls to empower and unify DataOps and FinOps teams.
Five years ago, Qlik paved the way in powering our analytics platform with AI, with the introduction of natural language processing and generation. Our augmented analytics capabilities, which now also include fully interactive search, chat, and multi-language support, enabled a generative AI experience before it was cool. Today marks the next step in our AI journey with the launch of a new suite of OpenAI connectors to deliver a ChatGPT experience in Qlik Cloud.