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How to Use Bugfender on Flutter

Flutter is a user interface toolkit from Google which is primarily used to develop mobile applications but can also be deployed to create web and desktop apps. With Flutter, we can develop applications for both IOS and Android using the same source code. This dovetails neatly with Bugfender, our remote logging service that allows users to collect logs for everything in the application.

Web Security Attacks You Must Know - Part 1

As developers, we know the pitfalls of the internet – the gateways that malicious actors can exploit to steal private data, siphon money and generally wreak havoc. But if we’re going to build watertight applications, it’s essential that we keep updating our knowledge base and prepare for every possible assault. In this post, we’re going to discuss five particularly common forms of attack.

How To Get Mobile App Logs to Elasticsearch Using Bugfender

When we speak to our customers, they tell us that Bugfender is great for capturing application logs and then pinpointing the logs of a specific user. By pulling all the logs from a developer’s mobile and web apps and centralizing them in a single dashboard, Bugfender gives that developer a 360-degree sweep of their entire user base. But what if you want to use this data somewhere else? What if you could provide this data within an Elasticsearch database?

Top 10 Online Code Editors for Web Development

A code editor gives developers an environment to write code using a specific programming language. While the code editor’s primary purpose is to assist with coding, most of the editors go beyond and help developers with pointing errors, autocomplete suggestions, running the program and other common areas of doubt. We can install a code editor on our laptop or PC, or we can use an online version. This can help us avoid the hassle of installation, saving us both time and memory.

How to Debug Your Unity Videogame

We’re going to investigate the basic strategies to debug an application created with Unity, from logs to breakpoints, during the development stage. Once an app is in production we can switch to using Bugfender, and we’ll explain this too. To illustrate this tutorial we have created a custom app called The Bugfender Game, a variation of the popular Flappy Bird. Unity is a cross-platform game engine that gives users the ability to create games and experiences in 2D, 3D, VR and AR.

Updates from Bugfender Q1, 2021

Welcome to the spring Bugfender newsletter! We’ve been working on the past months improving some of our SDKs, making it easier to integrate Bugfender thanks to API improvements and introducing some new features to make your debugging experience even better. Furthermore, we’ve been actively writing fresh content for our blog. Make sure you don’t miss out on our featured articles for this quarter below!

How to Use Bugfender with a Vue.JS Application

It is an exciting era for web developers with so many open-source frameworks and libraries around to help them. Of all the frameworks that have emerged in recent years, Vue.js stands out for its simplicity, adaptability and rapid load times. In this article, we will learn how to get started with Vue.js. We will also go through the steps to integrate and use Bugfender with a Vue.js application. We will build a simple TODO application, which will enable us to add, fetch, edit, and delete TODO items.

How to Log the Web Vitals Of a Next.js App Using Bugfender

Next.js is a complete React framework that provides a rich experience for developers in building web applications. You get a fast and reliable refresh on code changes, support for TypeScript and the ability to create a hybrid static and server-side rendered page. The file system and API routing features make it a go-to React solution for server-side applications.

The Best Podcasts for Developers

Check out the web story version: The 8 Best Podcast For Developers. Software developers probably form one of the most tight-knit professional communities on the planet. Despite the enormous diversity within the industry, it is very easy to find common interests like coding trends, personal development, entrepreneurship and design. Most of us at Bugfender are software developers ourselves and one of the channels we use to share our interests are podcasts.

How to Debug Your Site Performance With Chrome

It’s now more than 30 years since the first website was born. Its purpose, you ask? To provide information about the World Wide Web, of course. In the three decades that have elapsed since then, we’ve created around 6 billion more websites. Some, like that inaugural site about the internet itself, are devoted to providing information. Others allow us to buy and sell products. Others give us access to photos, videos and other forms of media.