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How to Fix ReferenceError: $ is Not Defined in JavaScript

The JavaScript ReferenceError: $ is not defined occurs when the jQuery library is used but is not properly loaded or is not available in the current scope of the code. In JavaScript, the $ symbol is often used as a shorthand alias for the jQuery library. This error indicates that the code is trying to use jQuery functionality by referencing the $ symbol, but the library is not available or has not been loaded correctly.

Most Popular Java Web Frameworks in 2023

As Java has evolved over the years, multiple attempts have been made to simplify development for various use cases. From official standards like Java Enterprise Edition, to community-driven frameworks, Java is continuing to prove itself to be adaptable and viable. Our top list is based on usage from's Java ranking and several other sources including blog posts and GitHub download numbers.

How to transform Rollbar payload in .NET Core 7

Using Rollbar is great for Exceptions both handled and unhandled. But there is so much more you can get out of a solution like Rollbar. We often hear users asking us to log structured log data to Rollbar or that they have a custom JSon object that they would like to store in Rollbar. If you just send in the Json object using Rollbar.Info(YOUROBJECT) you will find that it is placed in the message body as a string. This is fine but we can do a lot better.

How to Handle TypeError: Unhashable Type 'Dict' Exception in Python

The Python TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' usually occurs when trying to hash a dictionary, which is an unhashable object. For example, using a dictionary as a key in another dictionary will cause this error. This is because dictionaries only accept hashable data types as a key. Only immutable objects such as strings, integers and tuples are hashable since they have a single unique value that never changes.

How to Fix TypeError: Int Object Is Not Iterable in Python

The Python TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable is an exception that occurs when trying to loop through an integer value. In Python, looping through an object requires the object to be “iterable”. Since integers are not iterable objects, looping over an integer raises the TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable exception.

Most Popular Java Backend Frameworks for 2023

An intuitive user interface is a hallmark of any decent business. But in order for the frontend of applications to work smoothly, you must also consider the backend. Backend development, also called server-side development, handles the behind-the-scenes functions of web development – things like interactions with databases, authorizing users and routing URLs.