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Angular Workspaces: Multi-Application Projects

OctoPerf’s Load Testing IDE (Kraken) is an application with two frontends - The Administration UI used to manage Docker containers and images, The Gatling UI to debug and execute load tests with Gatling. Both UI are based on Angular 8 and share many components, CSS and external library dependencies. This blog post is a guide for every developer that would like to create an Angular Workspace with several applications and libraries.

Introducing Katalium: Selenium and TestNG Made Easy

We’re thrilled to announce Katalium — a framework that provides a blueprint for test automation projects based on Selenium and TestNG. When it comes to Selenium-based testing, Katalon Studio is a tool of choice for testers and automation engineers. The wide range of built-in features can help simplify the test case building process for users. However, for those who are still working with TestNG and Selenium, Katalium is a great head start.

Managing Data During Performance Testing

Introduction We are going to talk about data in this blog post, predominately test data required for performance testing. This is something that makes the life of a performance tester extremely difficult and awkward as because of the huge quantities required, in the right state, that match the criteria required for your test to run. We often have to approach the use of large quantities data for the purpose of performance testing in a number of ways.

Katalon Studio 6.3: What's New?

Katalon Studio 6.3 is now available to download. Take a sneak peek of some new and exciting features! Download Katalon Studio 6.3 First, one of the most requested features by users: namely the dark theme, is now available. The decision to proceed with this new feature was due to the number of upvotes for this mode of display that triumphed all other proposed features (including applying machine learning to make coffee – seriously, no joke).

From DevOops to DevOps | Best Strategies to Implement for Your Team

In today’s rapidly changing world, software products need to be upgraded frequently and quickly to bring value to customers and users. Software features are continuously developed, tested, deployed, and operated in the production environment. New features are not only developed and tested successfully, but they also deployed and operated without much chaos and disruption.

What to Consider Before Applying CI/CD | A Beginner's Cheat Sheet

Continuous Integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) is a complex part of any development cycle. It involves continuously integrating code into a shared repository to keep code progression amongst a team of developers running smooth and steady. This helps prevent merging errors, duplicated efforts and promoting collaboration to create a better product. That code is then thoroughly and continuously tested to keep problems from arising.

Katalon and Sauce Labs: A Better Cloud-based Automation Solution

We are excited to announce a partnership establishment with Sauce Labs – a cloud-hosted, web, and mobile application automated testing platform company. This collaboration aims at delivering better automated cloud execution, allowing software development businesses to release high-quality products faster. “One of the challenges that software development teams often face is not having a user-friendly test automation tool, or insufficiency in testing environments.

Katalon & LambdaTest: Maximizing Cross-browser Testing Environments

Katalon has recently rolled out an in-app integration with LambdaTest. LambdaTest is a cross-browser testing cloud services company that offers a wide range of real browsers and operating systems to perform live interactive testing, online automation with Selenium, as well as seamless testing collaboration.