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Leveraging Mesh Global Rate Limit Policy in Kong Mesh 2.3

In today’s interconnected and dynamic world of microservices, ensuring optimal traffic management and protection against malicious attacks are critical. Rate limiting, a popular mechanism for controlling request flow, gets more effortless with the introduction of Global Rate Limiting in Kong Mesh. In this blog post, we’ll explore this exciting new feature and its benefits in detail.

Bringing Gateway API for Mesh to Kuma

The release of Kuma 2.3 brings experimental support for GAMMA (Gateway API for Mesh Management and Administration) resources. Kuma has long supported Gateway API with the built-in gateway for ingress traffic but with GAMMA support, users can specify how to route and modify in-mesh traffic using the well-known HTTPRoute resource from Gateway API. Gateway API is a project focused on improving the APIs around networking between services in Kubernetes clusters.

Kong Mesh 2.2.0 Certified on Red Hat OpenShift: Why and How to Get Started

By now, when we hear the words “service mesh” we typically know what to expect: service discovery, load balancing, traffic management and routing, security, observability, and resilience. So, why Kong Mesh? What does Kong Mesh offer that would be more difficult to obtain with other solutions? Why is Kong Mesh with Red Hat OpenShift a great pairing? We’re happy to announce that the Kong Mesh 2.2.0 UBI Images are available in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog.

eBPF: The future of the service mesh and network innovation

The conversations around eBPF and how this technology will shape the future of the service mesh caused a huge buzz in the last year — yes, bee pun intended. eBPF lets you run sandboxed programs in an operating system kernel. Imagining how eBPF could improve the service mesh brings exciting possibilities, but it also raises security and operational concerns given the current state and limitations of eBPF.

Moderna's Nathaniel Reynolds on Service Mesh, Open Source, and AI for Developers

In this post, Nathaniel Reynolds, Associate Director of Informatics Architecture & DevOps at Moderna Therapeutics, talks about service mesh, removing limitations with open source, and how AI helps developers do more. No one can predict the future, but here’s a safe bet: in the next five to ten years, we aren’t going to have fewer applications. We’re going to have more. And that means connectivity requirements are going to get bigger and bigger over time.

Kong Mesh & Kuma 2.1 released with full suite of next-gen policies

We’re excited to announce the release of Kong Mesh and Kuma 2.1! In this release, we’re shipping the full suite of new and improved policies announced (and started) in 2.0. Additionally, we’re launching some more great UX improvements in the UI and a host of smaller fixes. In order to take advantage of the latest and greatest in service mesh, we strongly suggest upgrading to Kong Mesh 2.1. Upgrading is simple through kumactl or Helm.

Debugging Applications in Production with Service Mesh

As an application developer, have you ever had to troubleshoot an issue that only happens in production? Bugs can occur when your application gets released into the wild, and they can be extremely difficult to debug when you cannot reproduce without production data. In this blog, I am going to show you how to safely send your production data to development applications deployed using a service mesh to help you better debug and build production proof releases.

Kong Mesh and Kuma 2.0 Released with eBPF Support, Next-Gen Policies

Today we’re excited to announce the release of Kong Mesh and Kuma 2.0. With this new major release, we’re announcing the first availability of our next-generation policies, in addition to new eBPF capabilities. 2.0 is also significant as we have unified the version scheme between Kong Mesh and Kuma. Previously, Kuma versions had an n-1 version naming convention when compared with Kong Mesh.

What is a service mesh?

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that manages traffic, also known as communication, between services in applications composed of containerized microservices. It is a critical component in a microservices architecture, responsible for the secure, fast, and reliable communication between services. This article answers a lot of the questions you may have about service meshes: What are they and how do they work? Who is using them and why?

Distributed tracing with Envoy, Kuma, Grafana Agent, and Jaeger

As a cloud service provider, observability is a critical subject as it's strongly related to the availability of the services running on the platform. We need to understand everything that is happening on our platform to troubleshoot errors as fast as possible and improve performance issues. A year ago, while the platform was still in private beta, we faced a tough reliability issue: users were facing random 500 errors when accessing their applications.