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How to use Root Cause Analysis to Improve Engineering

Modern engineering has revolutionized almost every complex human endeavor. From lean manufacturing to globe-wide telecommunications; from software and IT bringing the world to our fingertips to medical devices discovering previously invisible diseases, there is no human endeavor that engineering has not changed for the better. But engineers don’t only build complex systems and tools that help the world run around. They’re also the first line of defense when things turn south.

3 Modern Tools For Automated Testing Of Your Web Applications

Whether we’re shopping online or reserving a table at our favourite restaurant — we might use web applications in several instances during the day. Owing to how we consume content and perform our day-to-day functions now, businesses are optimizing web apps and how! From making them more user-friendly to crafting a mobile app-like experience, we’ve swiftly moved to the era of progressive web apps.

The Benefits of Bringing Together Debugging and Tracing Data

The rise in digital transformation over the past few years means that more and more companies are adopting cloud native technologies. While these distributed architectures provide scalability and agility, they also increase complexity. As Arnal Dayaratna, research director in software development for IDC, writes, “One of the challenges faced by contemporary developers is the task of understanding applications that they may not have even developed or used .”

"Automation Maturity": What It Is and How to Measure It

Since pneumatic tubes streamlined the transfer of documents across banks and mainframe computers revolutionized back-office processes, automation has been a driver of innovation and progress in financial services for over a century. In today’s digital world, automation’s latest iteration has the power to transform operations across departments and use cases: customer onboarding, underwriting, compliance, and more.