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Kong for Kubernetes 0.9 Released With Encrypted Plugin Configuration and More!

Kong for Kubernetes is a Kubernetes Ingress Controller and a full-fledged edge-router which can route traffic to any destination of your choice. In addition to Ingress management, it provides enhanced security and management capabilities. With Kong, you can use Kubernetes not just for running your workloads but also for securing and monitoring connectivity between your workloads – all managed via Kubernetes manifests and CI/CD processes.

Best pre-COVID-19 events for engineers

Events and Conferences are a core element of any growing industry and ours is no different. It’s the easiest way to learn what’s new and to gain a better understanding of any technology. After all, we might love blogs and online courses, but at the end of the day, is there a better way to process any type of information than a passionately delivered speech or a lively discussion?

Try N|Solid - A Ready Made Demo

You asked and we listened. Until today, trying our novel approach to monitoring performance, diagnostics and security required bringing your own application and load testing environment. Our latest release of N|Solid 3.12 changes this. We are excited to announce the launch of ‘Try N|Solid’ a new, one-command , zero-config way for you and/or your colleagues to experience the power of our Node.js Enterprise Runtime (N|Solid) 💪.

It's time to lift the lid on your organization

One of the big standouts for me in the recent environment is just how much of a shock COVID-19 has been for organizations. This is because many have become complacent about their data over the past decade and they’re now exposed. As Warren Buffet said, "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." To deal with the current economic situation everyone now has to lift the lid on their organization.

Unravel Now Supporting Databricks on Amazon Web Services

Since the very beginning, Unravel Data has made it a mission to ensure customers are successful, wherever they deploy their modern data platforms. On-premises, in the cloud, and in hybrid environments, Unravel supports the full stack of data processing engines to provide data operations visibility wherever it resides.

Splunk - Creates real-time business impact from data

From dealing with security concerns to production monitoring, businesses need to analyze the log data of their systems to ensure everything is functioning normally. In a computing context, a log refers to automatically produced and time-stamped documentation of events related to a particular system. Analysis of log data helps businesses comply with regulations, security policies and audits, understand online consumer behavior, and comprehend system troubleshoots.

Sharing Variables Between Virtual Users

Variables, may they be constant or dynamic, are an essential part of load testing. We already learned how to manipulate these values by extracting and re-injecting them inside one Virtual User. But what if we need to share these values between several Virtual Users ? In this blog post, I will show you just how to do that, using the MQ technology.

How a Hackathon Led to 80% Fewer Rollbar Items

Earlier this year, we were invited to Threadup’s wonderful office space in Oakland to be one of the presenters at their quarterly Hackathon. Thredup, a fashion retail marketplace with over 35,000 brands, has been one of our key customers since 2013. We soon realized this wasn’t a normal Hackathon. This hackathon was dedicated to instrumentation and monitoring.

Optimize BigQuery costs with Flex Slots

Google Cloud’s enterprise data warehouse BigQuery offers some flexible pricing options so you can get the most out of your resources. Our recently added Flex Slots can save you money by switching your billing to flat-rate pricing for defined time windows to add maximum efficiency. Flex Slots lets you take advantage of flat-rate pricing when it’s most advantageous, rather than only using on-demand pricing.