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Creating a Behavioral Email in Moesif

Using metrics to drive an email flow can provide next-level service to your users. Once a user fits a certain criteria, Moesif can automatically send one-time and recurring emails based on that behavior. In this tutorial, Matt goes over the basic steps to set up a behavioral email in Moesif. These steps include: After this overview, users will be able to set up their own behavioral emails with ease in Moesif.

Creating a User Funnel in Moesif

User funnels allow businesses to analyze how individual users are using and converting within their product. Funnel metrics can show how many users are converting through each stage of the funnel and the average time it takes to do so. In this tutorial, Matt covers how to set up a conversion funnel analysis in Moesif using the User Funnels screen. Steps covered include: Navigating to the User Funnel screen Creating “steps” for each step in the funnel How to read and interpret the output

Adding user tracking to your Node.js RESTful API with Moesif

Join Matt as he shows users how to add user tracking to your Node.js RESTful API with Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Tracking users' server-side interaction greatly increases the value of API monitoring and analytics. With Moesif, begin tracking your API calls by user in a matter of minutes.