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How To Use Static Alerts In Moesif

Using alerts can add a lot of value for your team, product, and users. Static alerts work well when the threshold is constant and predictable. Creating a dynamic alert can be done in a matter of minutes, instantly levelling-up your API monitoring strategy. Join Dylan as he shows users how to create Static Alerts within Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Powerful API analytics, a perfect companion for your API Gateway, is only a few moments away.

How To Use Dynamic Sampling in Moesif

Join Dylan as we show users how to create Dynamic Sampling rules within Moesif. In this tutorial, we will cover how to: Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

Streamlining Platform Engineering and Operations to Maximize Impact

Join Derric Gilling, CEO at Moesif, panel host Budha Bhattacharya, Product Evangilist at Tyk, and Kin Lane, Chief Evangilist at Postman, as they discuss streamlining platform engineering and operations to maximize impact. At this in-person Meetup at the Moesif headquarters, the panel discusses the efficiency goals that can be set within your company, the difference between DevOps and Platform Engineering, and how platform engineering can level up your organization.

Moesif Platform and Feature Overview

Join us for this guided platform overview and learn how Moesif can help you gain insights into your API. Matt will take you on a comprehensive tour of the Moesif platform - an API analytics solution that empowers businesses with product insights and offers a suite of tools to enhance the developer experience, accelerate product decisions, and inform customer success teams.

API Monetization with the Kong Developer Portal, Stripe, and Moesif

Many API developers and companies struggle to find ways to set up systems to monetize their APIs easily. Some are simple but not customizable, and some are complex and require massive engineering effort to get them all running. Join Matt as we use the Kong Developer portal to register a user in Kong, Stripe, and Moesif. The user will then be able to generate API keys to access monetized endpoints. As traffic flows into the endpoint, Moesif will record and send the usage statistics over to Stripe so that users can be charged.

Integrating Stripe with Moesif for API Monetization

Once you decide to monetize your app or APIs, the journey begins to find a simple and robust solution for billing. At Moesif, we know that a billing solution is actually really tough to implement. Getting your product from “0-to-monetization” is not always a straightforward path, even if it should be. Our no-code approach to billing is a simple and elegant way to very rapidly gain the capability to bill customers for usage. Easy monetization is the premise for our latest feature for generating revenue from your apps and APIs.