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Upcoming changes to Google Play for developers

You may have heard the adage of “quality over quantity”, and it seems that Google is taking this saying to heart regarding the quality of apps developers submit to Google Play. Back in November 2023, Google published an article on the Android Developers Blog outlining their intent to improve the quality of Android apps in the Play Store. In this article, we’ll take a look at how things were, and what the upcoming changes mean for developers who want to publish to the Google Play store.

Webinar | Seamlessly Automate Functional Tests With Testsigma's Low Code approach

Automating functional tests helps verify application behaviour from a user’s perspective. However, given the complexity of modern-day functional tests, automating them using scripts adds a massive layer of ambiguity, creates enormous technological overhead and makes it difficult to maintain and scale tests across platforms. In this session, we discuss how to automate functional tests without writing ambiguous frameworks.

Understand Microfrontends: A Guide for Developers and CTOs

Microservices architecture has gained significant traction due to its ability to break down monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable services. However, the benefits have often been lop-sided. While backend developers have realized numerous advantages, frontend adoption has been held back by tight coupling, slow development cycles and scalability issues. Microfrontends have emerged as a solution to these challenges by applying microservices principles to the frontend.

9-Step Mobile App Testing Strategy Checklist

The goal of any mobile product is to create an app experience that’s innovative and new. But you must accomplish specific, necessary steps between crafting a clear vision for your app and creating a mobile application. As explained in our step-by-step mobile application testing process, it’s imperative to understand and resolve any requirement contradictions before finalizing the development phase.

Tips to increase mobile app engagement

User engagement means how much a person uses an app and stays interested in it. It's super important for developers to give users good reasons to keep using their app. In mobile marketing, a big goal is to get more people engaged with apps. This can be done in different ways like sending them emails that they're interested in, making content that's just for them, and trying out new marketing ideas.

Swift Code Analysis: Integrating Sonarqube

SonarQube is an open-source platform that allows you to continuously inspect and measure code quality as you develop your project. It provides static code analysis for code issues, security issues, and code smells in various programming languages, including Swift. This helps development teams maintain and improve code quality by identifying and finding issues in the development lifecycle, if paired with a good testing methodology it can make a difference in your app quality.

Git Insights: You can ditch spreadsheet tracking and custom dashboards to track Git collaboration

Engineering Managers, Team Leads and Product Managers can now identify and address collaboration inefficiencies before they escalate. Using metrics such as pull request cycle time and merge frequency, you can pinpoint bottlenecks more quickly, quantifying Git collaboration and enhancing overall productivity.

A Comprehensive NextJS Router Guide for Developers

ReactJS is undoubtedly the most popular library for developers to build web and mobile applications. Its community is vast, so you get all the support you need as a developer while building applications. However, ReactJS is just a library for user interface development. It encourages us to build applications with the component architecture, which follows a tree hierarchy.

Top 8 Cross-browser Testing Tools For Mobile & Web

Admittedly, Chrome is the dominating browser with around 62.3% of market share as of Nov 2023, but if you only test your websites on Google Chrome, there is still around 38.7% of your users who visit your site on other browsers that you are missing out on. What if a bug occurs on those browsers? To ensure that no bugs went undetected, you need cross-browser testing. To test across browsers, you may need a cross-browser testing tool.

How To Create Maintainable #Selenium Tests with #Kotlin | Attila Fazekas | #automationtesting

In this instructive video, Attila Fazekas delves into the realm of Selenium testing with Kotlin, offering key takeaways to enhance the creation and maintenance of robust test suites. Learn the art of leveraging idiomatic Kotlin to craft Selenium tests that are not just effective but also maintainable and easy to comprehend.