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Hitachi Vantara

Why We Need the Data Fabric

Computer science loves abstraction, and now, as it turns out, so does data management. Abstraction means reducing something complex to something simpler that elegantly delivers its essence. Applications all over the world become more robust and easier to maintain and evolve when a simple interface is put in front of a complex service. The consumer of the service is able to say: This is a lot simpler than allowing the consumer to reach directly under the hood and mess with the engine.

COVID-19, the Data Deluge and Optimizing Splunk for Time and Cost

The new normal has changed the way we work and the way we conduct business. More and more employees are working from home, customers are shopping online, and everyone’s phone is still attached to their ears. Bottom line: everything we’re doing in business and in our personal lives is leaving a digital trail. In fact, now devices are getting in the game and creating more data than people, 277 times more, according to Cisco.

What's Your Streaming-Data Strategy?

Are you ready to harvest the massive real-time data that your organization generates? You need to master streaming data to  gain an edge in business, in every industry. But, most businesses still rely on batch and incremental processing. If that’s you, don’t despair. Join this session to understand key concepts, common technologies and best practices you need to succeed with streaming  data. You will  also learn about the Hitachi Vantara streaming data stack and how we can help you meet your goals.

Deliver Analytics-Ready Data to the Cloud With Snowflake and Hitachi Vantara

One of the toughest challenges for data professionals today is migrating data from on-premises environments to the cloud. Many companies still lack the tools and infrastructure to ingest and process complex datasets to achieve critical business outcomes. Tune in for a joint-session with Snowflake and Hitachi Vantara as we discuss best practices to address common edge-to-multicloud issues and how our joint offering can dramatically simplify data preparation, migration and analytics tasks to help deliver analytics-ready data in the cloud.

Use AI To Quickly Handle Sensitive Data Management

The growing waves of data that you’re pulling in include sensitive, personal or confidential data. This can become a compliance nightmare, especially with rules around PII, GDPR and CCPA, and it takes too much time to manually decide what should be protected. In this session, we will show how AI-driven data catalogs can identify sensitive data and share  that identification with your data security platforms to automate its discovery, identification and security.  You'll see how this dramatically reduces your time to onboard data and makes it safely available  to your business  communities.

Lumada Analytics Roadmap For A Better Data Culture

Struggling to extract insights and actionable intelligence from your data? With more data science and analytic solutions available today, do the handoffs among data scientists, IT and the business continue to disrupt your analytics value chain or are they becoming even more difficult? We’ve seen this cause “data despair” and decelerate investments in analytics and machine learning projects. In fact, only a quarter of organizations believe that they are actually building the “data culture” that fosters success.

How To Weave Multicloud Data Fabric: Roadmap Session On Lumada Edge Intelligence

Like most enterprises, you are generating huge volumes of structured, semi- and unstructured data at edge devices, core data centers and even public clouds. How can you more easily manage your data across all your repositories and avoid delaying your applied use of analytics? Our answer is to weave a multicloud data fabric for you that simplifies connecting data repositories from the edge to the core and to the cloud. This helps you gain quicker business insights with a scalable and cost-effective approach. Join this session to get an in-depth view of our upcoming Lumada Data Services product vision and strategy.

To Manage All Your Data Pipelines, Let's Follow The Lumada Dataflow Studio Roadmap

You’re building data pipelines to help your business users innovate with data. But with the shift to self-service, the data management practices need to evolve. And in addition to building your own pipelines, you’ll also need to manage hundreds or even thousands of users’ pipelines. What now? - See for yourself Hitachi’s vision for Pentaho Data Integration and Lumada Dataflow Studio. You’ll learn how Lumada Dataflow Studio helps you address today’s and tomorrow’s challenges in data preparation, orchestration and monitoring.