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Data Governance

Pillars of Knowledge, Best Practices for Data Governance

With hackers now working overtime to expose business data or implant ransomware processes, data security is largely IT managers’ top priority. And if data security tops IT concerns, data governance should be their second priority. Not only is it critical to protect data, but data governance is also the foundation for data-driven businesses and maximizing value from data analytics. Requirements, however, have changed significantly in recent years.

The Wonderful World of Data Governance with Disney Streaming's Anita Lynch | Rise of The Data Cloud

In this episode, Anita Lynch, Vice President of Data Governance at Disney Streaming, talks about the importance of first-party data, the nuances of data governance and privacy, how to prioritize data, and much more. Connect with Anita Lynch

Achieving Energy Efficiency With Data Efficiency: Vermont Gas + Data Governance Leaders

Vermont Gas (VGS) is a leader in energy efficiency and innovation, offering a clean, safe, affordable choice for over 53,000 homes, businesses, and institutions in northwest Vermont. They pride themselves on providing timely, comprehensive service for all their customers, ensuring they have heat, hot water, and energy to get through the cold New England winter.

How to automate big data governance

Companies deploying big data analytics to gain competitive advantage can quickly sour their successes by lacking a big data governance strategy. Which turns their data assets into data liabilities. In this article, we dive into the field of information governance and information management and explore how to set up and automate a big data governance program for success. Big data governance is a set of processes and principles that ensure the high value of data throughout its lifecycle.

ETLG: ETL for Data Governance and Better Security

Most enterprises are leveraging vast reserves of data to improve their business insights and decision-making. However, as companies manage larger stores of data and move more and more information from operational databases to data warehouses, it creates an ever-mounting threat of data breaches.

Data governance beyond SDX: Adding third party assets to Apache Atlas

Governance and the sustainable handling of data is a critical success factor in virtually all organizations. While Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) already supports the entire data lifecycle from ‘Edge to AI’, we at Cloudera are fully aware that enterprises have more systems outside of CDP. It is crucial to avoid that CDP becomes the next silo in your IT landscape.

Snowflake on Snowflake: How We Strengthened Data Governance Using Dynamic Data Masking

Managing access to sensitive data is the name of the game when it comes to security and data governance. It’s required to protect sensitive data from unauthorized changes or exposure, and it’s now a mandate as part of privacy regulations such as GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Companies all over the world are now focused on protecting sensitive PII associated with their customers and employees.

5 Obstacles to Successful Data Governance

Organizational leaders worldwide agree that data governance is important. However, data governance programs in most companies are still being planned or in progress. In a 2020 Dataversity report¹, only 12 percent of companies had fully implemented programs, while 38 percent of programs were a work in progress, and 31 percent were just getting started. That’s because companies often run into roadblocks while executing data governance. Below are five common obstacles organizations face.