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Predictive Real-Time Operational ML Pipeline: Fighting First-Day Churn

Retaining customers is more important for survival than ever. For businesses that rely on very high user volume, like mobile apps, video streaming, social media, e-commerce and gaming, fighting churn is an existential challenge. Data scientists are leading the fight to convert and retain high LTV (lifetime value) users.

Kubeflow: Simplified, Extended and Operationalized

The success and growth of companies can be determined by the technologies they rely on in their tech stack. To deploy AI enabled applications to production, companies have discovered that they’ll need an army of developers, data engineers, DevOps practitioners and data scientists to manage Kubeflow — but do they really? Much of the complexity involved in delivering data intensive products to production comes from the workflow between different organizational and technology silos.

Predicting Ad Performance in Real-Time: PadSquad & Iguazio at the Data Science Salon

In this talk, Daniel Meehan, CEO & Founder of PadSquad explains how to build a predictive AI application which can analyze events and impressions from online ads in real-time. He discusses how to run and analyze thousands of real-time and batch events per second for ad performance optimization.

How GPUaaS On Kubeflow Can Boost Your Productivity

Tapping into more compute power is the next frontier of data science. Data scientists need it to complete increasingly complex machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) tasks without it taking forever. Otherwise, faced with a long wait for compute jobs to finish, data scientists give in to the temptation to test smaller datasets or run fewer iterations in order to produce results more quickly.

AI, ML and ROI - Why your balance sheet cares about your technology choices

Much has been written on the growth of machine learning and its impact on almost every industry. As businesses continue to evolve and digitally transform, it’s become an imperative for businesses to include AI and ML in their strategic plans in order to remain competitive. In Competing in the Age of AI, Harvard professors Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani illustrate how this can be confounding for CEOs, especially in the face of AI-powered competition.

Concept Drift and the Impact of COVID-19 on Data Science

Modern business applications leverage Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models to analyze real-world and large-scale data, to predict or to react intelligently to events. Unlike data analysis for research purposes, models deployed in production are required to handle data at scale and often in real-time, and must provide accurate results and predictions for end-users.