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Why Business Intelligence is a Security Risk

Business intelligence (BI) software, such as Microsoft Power Bi, allows organizations to leverage big data and make better business decisions. Select Hub reports that 48 percent of companies place high or critical importance on these solutions. However, BI tools introduce a level of security risk that businesses must address.

Accelerate Moving to CDP with Workload Manager

Since my last blog, What you need to know to begin your journey to CDP, we received many requests for a tool from Cloudera to analyze the workloads and help upgrade or migrate to Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). The good news is Cloudera has a tried and tested tool, Workload Manager (WM) that meets your needs. WM saves time and reduces risks during upgrades or migrations.

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Stream Processing Engine

Are you using the right stream processing engine for the job at hand? You might think you are—and you very well might be!—but have you really examined the stream processing engines out there in a side-by-side comparison to make sure? Our Choose the Right Stream Processing Engine for Your Data Needs whitepaper makes those comparisons for you, so you can quickly and confidently determine which engine best meets your key business requirements.

How to trigger Test Automation with Xray, Jira & GitLab | Xray Tutorial

Our project is managed in Jira, including testing with Xray (e.g. using Jira & Xray for single-source of truth of testing results) and our source code (including for automated tests) and CI/CD is managed in GitLab. In this scenario, we want to trigger automation in GitLab from the Xray side and report the results back to Xray and Jira.

Scaling Service Mesh Across Clouds

In the traditional datacenter, distributed workloads simply existed across multiple datacenters. As businesses evolve their applications in the cloud native era, this degree of distribution scales as well. Workloads landing in multiple VPCs grow in commonality, and in many cases exist between cloud environments. In this Destination: Scale session, Cody De Arkland - Principal Technical Marketing Engineer, Service Mesh, Office of the CTO - shows how Kuma provides a method to connect these applications through its advanced multi-zone capabilities, and how this model enables global scale.

Simplify Salesforce Testing with AI-Driven Codeless Tools

Testing Salesforce Apps presents numerous challenges for enterprise organizations. Teams have to navigate complex architecture, integration workflows, and continuous changes in the customized SFDC implementation, as well as a wide range of different applications hosted on Salesforce Cloud. If left unchecked, these challenges can hamper critical enterprise processes like the revenue-generating Quote to Cash process.