TestCafe is a Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing. End to End tests cover real journeys that your customers do, they are slower to execute but can be much more valuable comparing to unit and integration tests. TestCafe is a Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing and functional testing. TestCafe uses a URL-rewriting proxy called Hammerhead that emulates commands using the DOM API and injects JavaScript into the browser.
Our team spent the first week of November in San Francisco sponsoring Looker’s annual JOIN conference. We met hundreds of companies who came to talk to us about automated data operations and what benefits they would bring to their organizations.
For those who are familiar with Selenium WebDriver, one of the most common features is the Wait command. These commands are handy in test scripts execution, or observing and troubleshooting issues that arise due to time lag. Wait commands are powerful — but they also come along with a big problem with timing due to front-end processing. Starting from version 7.0.0, we have introduced the Smart Wait feature that helps you handle Selenium wait issues without any additional test scripts.