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Production ML Capabilities Now Available In CDSW 1.8

With only about 35% of machine learning models making into production in the enterprise (IDC), it’s no wonder that production machine learning has become one of the most important focus areas for data scientists and ML engineers alike. As you may remember, we recently announced a full set of MLOps capabilities in Cloudera Machine Learning, our cloud native machine learning tool for the cloud.

The Gap in Data and Analytics Supply Chains Requires a New Way of Thinking

Today, we announced the acquisition of the assets and IP of Knarr Analytics, an innovative start-up that provides real-time collaboration, sophisticated data exploration and insight capture capabilities, to complement Qlik’s cloud data and analytics platform.

Archive data from to S3 with the new Kafka Connect connector

The new open-source #ApacheKafka Connect sink connector for #S3 gives you full control on how to sink data to S3 and save money on long term storage costs in #Kafka. The connector has the ability to flush data out in a number of different formats including #AVRO, #JSON, #Parquet and #Binary as well as ability to create S3 buckets based on partitions, metadata fields and value fields.

API Load Testing Mistake #3: Failing to Explore Multiple Load Generation Scenarios -@SmartBear Talks

Creating an API load test is only one piece of the huge load testing world. Once your test is ready, you need to integrate it into the business process, simulate different load generation scenarios, and analyze the results. Today, we will continue investigating API Load Testing mistakes you can easily avoid. Robert Schneider, a software testing consultant from WiseClouds, will share exclusive insight into load generation scenarios.

API Load Testing Mistake #4: Simulating GUI Security Integrations via API - @SmartBear Talks

Lots of applications nowadays have robust and complex front-end development - user experience becomes so important! That's why, we need to understand how these front-end features and elements work under load. In this interview, we will talk with Damion White, software testing consultant from WiseClouds, and discuss the issues you can face when creating API load tests for such scenarios and how to avoid them.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Automators

Building a tech stack in today’s world means constantly making decisions about whether to automate or abstract challenges, but the goals are always the same – simplicity, security and speed. As organizations embrace myriad technologies, such as Kubernetes, to abstract away DevOps challenges, they also increase the need for automation to help them manage increasingly complex processes across platforms. In this session, Kong’s VP of Product Reza Shafii will explore how organizations can use automation to reduce friction in adopting new platforms, eliminate repetitive, error-prone tasks and increase the overall effectiveness of their development teams.

What is Automated Business Monitoring?

Modern businesses face a continuously growing mountain of data, made up of many different operational processes and performance metrics, which your users need to decipher for insights and proactively monitor in order to ensure business goals are met. Embedded dashboards are one way for your users to keep track of key information while using your application.