Even though automated testing helps you do more software testing in less time with fewer people, maintaining your test suite can be very time-consuming. Many QA teams have a hard time keeping up with maintenance as their product grows. If they fall behind, they get more and more false positives (i.e., cases where the test fails because of a problem with the test, not a problem with the application).
We have recently launched our disruptive Live Debugger on the Azure Marketplace, making it easier than ever before for teams on the Microsoft stack to slash the time they invest in debugging. We are excited about this, as we have been working closely with Microsoft to make sure that both large international enterprises as well as smaller and scaling startups have direct access to Rookout, to make the most out of our dynamic observability solutions.
There is an urgent need for banks to be nimble and adaptable in the thick of a multitude of industry challenges, ranging from the maze of regulatory compliance, sophisticated criminal activities, rising customer expectations and competition from traditional banks and new digital entrants. As banks find their bearings in this landscape, what appear to be insurmountable odds are in fact opportunities for growth and competitive differentiation.
One of the more challenging aspects of load testing happens very early on: getting your scripts working. When you run your scripts, you may observe unexpected error status codes (typically in the 4xx-5xx status code range). Other times, you'll run your script and see it receive the expected responses (usually HTTP 200), yet the "thing" your script is meant to create simply doesn't show up anywhere, like on the database or as a record on the site. You start wondering: why on earth is that?