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Choosing between BigQuery on-demand and flat rate pricing

When you use data to guide your business decision-making process, you need to continually optimize your data analytics usage to get more out of that data. Here, we’ll share some ways to be more efficient with your BigQuery usage through ups and downs and changing demands.

Snowflake Service Account Security: (Part 1)

This blog post series will put you in the mind of a defender. In cybersecurity, being a good defender means thinking like an attacker. Part 1 of this blog will focus on understanding why service accounts are excellent targets in the mind of the bad guys, and the threats and attacks a bad guy may use. In Part 2, we’ll lay out how to mitigate the threats and defend against these attacks using the tools Snowflake Cloud Data Platform gives you.

Top 9 Tools for UX Testing

The temptation to dive into user experience design without actually testing to see if your efforts are taking you in the right direction may be weighing on you right now, especially if there are other pressures that are prompting you to push forward with a project as quickly as possible. However, good UX testing can make for a great end product that is not only more satisfying for end users, but is also easier to manage, maintain and update at the backend.