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Transform Self-Service Analytics With Vizlib and Qlik

In today’s digital age, data has evolved from being a mere byproduct of business processes to becoming the cornerstone of strategic decision-making. Yet, for many organizations, unlocking the full potential of their data remains a significant challenge. Traditional data analytics models often create bottlenecks, relying heavily on overextended IT departments to provide insights, which delays decision-making and limits agility.

Server-sent Events and WebSockets in Rack for Ruby

In the previous part of this series, we discovered how to create persistent connections in Rack in theory, but now we'll put what we learned into practice. The web has two formalized specifications for communication over a persistent connection: server-sent events (SSEs) and WebSockets. WebSockets are widely used and highly popular, but SSEs are far less well-known. Let's explore them first.

How To Use Assertions In Python Selenium For Testing

When writing test automation scripts in Selenium Python, verifying that the actual outcomes match the expected results is crucial. This is where assertions come into play. Assertions help ensure that your application is working as intended by checking specific conditions and halting execution if they fail. In this blog, we’ll break down the concept of assertions in Selenium Python, provide some easy-to-follow code examples, and explain how they can make your test scripts more robust.

How can Small Businesses Employ Knowledge Management?

The method of a company to obtain, exploit and store information or knowledge employed to make the business run profitably is known as “knowledge management”. Several small or mid-sized businesses, miserably, just wait for the big companies or market players of the industry to specify which knowledge should be preserved and how it should be managed.

Introducing Third-Party Service Integration for Choreo

We are excited to introduce a new feature in Choreo that provides the ability to register and consume third-party services through connections. This feature empowers developers to seamlessly integrate external services such as Twillio, Salesforce, etc. with their Choreo applications, opening up a world of possibilities for creating more robust and versatile applications.

Favor Delivery Enhances Data Integration and Agility with Hevo's Streamlined ETL Solution

Favor Delivery, a leading same-day delivery and food ordering platform, enhanced its operations with Hevo’s low-code ETL solution. By streamlining data integration into Snowflake, Favor improved delivery ETA accuracy, boosting customer trust through precise predictions based on real-time and historical data. The platform also enabled the rapid launch of a subscription service, offering critical insights for agile marketing and operational adjustments.

Understanding PostgreSQL EXPLAIN: A Guide to Query Optimization

PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN command is a powerful tool that provides insights into how a query will be executed. It helps developers and database administrators identify potential performance issues in their queries. In this blog, we will explore what EXPLAIN is, when to use it, how to interpret its output, and techniques for optimizing queries based on the insights it provides.