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Has Data, AI and Bots Brought Us Closer Than Ever To Achieving The Modern Day KITT Car?

As a kid, I loved the TV show “Knight Rider.” But, for me, the star of the show wasn’t David Hasselhoff, it was the intelligent automobile KITT. KITT – the Knight Industries Two Thousand – was smart, funny and sarcastic, which is always well received by us Brits.

What are the characteristics of a Mobile DevOps environment?

Shipping the right app with the right functionalities to the right customer, at the right time is how you boost your ranking in the app store. Some of the key steps in this process are: continuously releasing high-quality software, listening to feedback, and providing new features to users — before they even know that they want them. To achieve all of this, app developers need two main things: automation tools and a growth mindset.

The Rise of AI in Analytics

Dashboards are great for monitoring your business, but they aren’t able to provide you with actionable insights in real-time. AI analytics is on the rise, and it’s changing the way we consume information. Join us on 12th February to understand more about the current use and adoption of dashboards and AI analytics. You’ll also hear about Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust’s analytics journey, and how they are looking at automated data discovery to optimise their A&E services.

When adopting machine learning, people are as important as technology

A secret to adopting machine learning that has nothing to do with the actual technology. Machine learning has the potential to transform your business. To automate processes, uncover new insights, make your products and services better, and customers happier. Integrating the capability into your organization requires operational transformation and lots (and lots) of experimentation. But, you know this already.

Fabric Crashlytics Log on Android and iOS

Ever since we started logging with Bugfender back in 2015, we’ve been working towards integration with Firebase, the app development platform created by Google. Firebase is famous for the breadth of its integration libraries and millions of people use the product around the world, drawn to its sleek UI and range of features. Our primary goal has been integration with Firebase Crashlytics Log, which underpins the entire platform.

k6 as alternative to Azure load testing and Visual Studio load test

At the end of 2018, Microsoft stated that Visual Studio 2019 is the last version with load testing features. A few months later they formally announced that Azure load testing is closing down on March 31st, 2020. This announcement came as a bomb to the community. But for those who follow this market, the news was not a complete surprise.

Why Every Web Developer Should Explore Machine Learning

If software's been eating the world for the past twenty years, it's safe to say machine learning has been eating it for the past five. But what exactly is machine learning? Why should a web developer care? This article by Julie Kent answers these questions. I don't have kids yet, but when I do, I want them to learn two things: Whether or not you believe that the singularity is near, there's no denying that the world runs on data.

Distributed model training using Dask and Scikit-learn

The theoretical bases for Machine Learning have existed for decades yet it wasn’t until the early 2000’s that the last AI winter came to an end. Since then, interest in and use of machine learning has exploded and its development has been largely democratized. Perhaps not so coincidentally, the same period saw the rise of Big Data, carrying with it increased distributed data storage and distributed computing capabilities made popular by the Hadoop ecosystem.