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What are Micro Apps on iOS?

To understand what micro apps are on iOS, we first must look at what a “micro app” is. A micro app is a small, precise, highly specialized application. It is designed for a single use case. They can run independently, or you can combine several micro apps in pursuit of a more complex objective. Some example use cases include reading from or writing to an enterprise database, or sending alerts or notifications when a particular event occurs.

How to Fix Crashing Apps on an iPhone or Android?

If you’ve got an app that keeps going down for no apparent reason, don’t worry, this quick and easy guide will give you the tools to get it up and running smoothly. To help you better, first select what type of user you are and what problem you have: If you’re not from the tech world yourselves, you probably think us programmers get everything right all the time.

Open source load testing tool review 2020

It has been almost three years since we first published our first comparison & benchmark articles that have become very popular, and we thought an update seemed overdue as some tools have changed a lot in the past couple of years. For this update, we decided to put everything into one huge article - making it more of a guide for those trying to choose a tool.

Talend on Talend: How to use machine learning for your marketing database segmentation

In today’s business world, marketing segmentation is a must have for every organisation. It helps you process and aim different targets in a market into multiple customer or prospect segments to enhance your marketing actions. Through this discipline, you can hold a crucial competitive advantage over your competitors because you can adapt your offer and your communication according to the identified groups of personas you want to address.

Code coverage for Swift Package Manager based apps

The Swift Package Manager allows you to create standalone Swift applications both on Linux and macOS. You can build and run these apps and you have the ability to write unit tests for your codebase. Xcode ships with the XCTest framework, but you may not know that this is an open-source library. It's available on every single platform where you can install Swift.

How Application of Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Business

Artificial intelligence works on the principle of human intelligence. The machines are programmed in such a way that they think like humans and can imitate our actions. They can be designed to execute all types of tasks from complex to simple ones. The primary task machines can perform are learning, reasoning and perception.

How to Write Unit Tests for Kotlin

Writing tests is an underappreciated part of software development. It usually distracts us from our primary goal and makes us feel we aren’t being productive. However, these tests are a great way to ensure our code works as expected, and they can save us plenty of headaches when we don’t have full control of certain parts of a project (for example, when we are working on the client app and another colleague is working on the server).