Building Customer-Facing Gen AI Applications Effectively & Responsibly - MLOps Live #31 with MongoDB

Building Customer-Facing Gen AI Applications Effectively & Responsibly - MLOps Live #31 with MongoDB

Jul 31, 2024

In this session, we explored the unique challenges of implementing gen AI in production environments, when agents are in direct contact with your customers.

We shared the Iguazio & MongoDB one-stop-shop solution for building gen AI applications that scale effectively and efficiently, with built-in guardrails and monitoring. We'll show how the end-to-end application lifecycle is addressed – From data management all the way to governance and monitoring in production.

We shared a live demo of a customer-facing agent conversing with different customers at a large bank, and adapting its responses and tone of voice to each customer. We also held a live discussion and a jam-packed Q&A!