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Key Questions to Ask When Managing an API

You need data for every facet of your business. It’s a powerful tool. Business and IT leaders need efficient ways to collect, store, and integrate that data in order to gain the valuable insights that drive business success. API-Led data integration is the way forward. But businesses are increasingly looking for low code solutions to help manage APIs for a streamlined process. In this post, we’re going to talk about the key questions that you need to address when you’re managing an API.

Balancing Innovation and Security With Automation [Destination: Automation]

You feel like you need to clone yourself to scale and maintain security — there simply aren’t enough hours in the year to do it all. Luckily, there’s an automation solution that allows you to get close to cloning how you would normally manage your full API delivery pipeline. Join Peggy Guyott, senior customer experience manager at Kong, and Ned Harris, solutions engineer at Kong, as they share ways you can eliminate the conflict between developers’ need for autonomy and freedom to innovate, and the need to maintain control of governance and security.

How to Make Digital Transformation Work

The best way to appreciate key concepts involving digital transformation is to look at real-world examples. In a recent Kong webinar, I sat down with Solutions Engineer Ahmed Koshok as he reviewed several real-world case studies that help illuminate the role of microservices in making digital transformation successful for organizations. The case studies included Papa John’s, NextJ Systems, and Yahoo! Japan.

Summer School At Collaborator: Session #2 - Innovation with New Integrations

Integrations are a key component to Collaborator’s peer review functionality and workflow. With options to connect to more than a dozen source control management (SCM) systems, and other tools such as Atlassian’s Jira and Mathworks Simulink®, Collaborator is an easy fit into almost any tool string, allowing teams to peer review code, user stories, test plans, and other artifact types in a transparent, collaborative framework.

Understanding REST, gRPC, GraphQL, and OpenAPI to build your APIs

Whether you're implementing a microservice architecture that will be scalable and resilient or forward-thinking for interoperability possibilities, APIs provide the essential level of abstraction that enables communication between separate pieces of software. Modifying an API architecture once it is live is no small feat, so taking the time before building one to identify your needs and goals for your API is a worthwhile step that will help you create the API you want.