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Fortune favors the prepared, Talend CEO keynote at Talend Connect '22

Pandemics, wars, the Great Resignation...doing business has become more complicated than ever. The No. 1 thing companies say they need to survive is to become data driven. It’s a great goal, but what does that really look like in action? Our opening keynote answers that question and more by outlining the three things you MUST have for your business to become truly, sustainably data driven. You’ll also get insights about how companies are making the change today from analyst and "CIO In the Know" host Tim Crawford, as well as Talend customers like eBay and financial services provider Harmoney.

Ep 60: The Modern Milkman's CSO, John Hughes on Using Data to Save Our Oceans from Plastic

Each year, around 8 million tons of plastic waste enter the ocean, killing wildlife and damaging the enviroment for future generations. Much of this pollution originates from the wasteful packaging used for everyday grocery products. But a greener grocery alternative is making waves from across the pond. Joining us today is John Hughes, Chief Strategy Officer at The Modern Milkman, a UK-based grocery delivery company that brings locally sourced goods directly to customers without any single-use plastics.

Breaking down marketing data silos with BigQuery

Welcome back to the Marketing Analytics Series! In this video, Kelci will demonstrate how to ingest and query marketing data with BigQuery. From an augmented understanding of your data to leveraging BigQuery’s public datasets, discover how you too can break down marketing data silos with BigQuery.

White Label Analytics: What It Is, Why It Matters & 5 Key Benefits

A key consideration when buying an embedded analytics solution is not only whether it supports embedding of charts and reports, but that it can integrate analytics in a way that is indistinguishable from the experience of your application. Learn what white-label BI is.

Cloudera Uses CDP to Reduce IT Cloud Spend by $12 Million

Like all of our customers, Cloudera depends on the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) to manage our day-to-day analytics and operational insights. Many aspects of our business live within this modern data architecture, providing all Clouderans the ability to ask, and answer, important questions for the business. Clouderans continuously push for improvements in the system, with the goal of driving up confidence in the data.

Automated Financial Storytelling at Your Fingertips: Here's How

Every financial professional understands that the numbers matter a great deal when it comes to reporting financial results. Accuracy, consistency, and timeliness are important. Those same professionals also know that there’s substantive meaning behind those numbers and that it’s important to tell the stories that lend additional depth and context to the raw financial statements.

Neustar Sets A New Bar For Accuracy In The Field Of Identity Resolutions

In this episode of “Powered by Snowflake” host Daniel Myers queries the mind of Neustar’s Head of Product and Customer Intelligence, Ryan Engle. Neustar is an Identity Resolutions Platform, responsible for powering more than 90% of caller ID in the United States. This conversation covers fascinating topics such as the challenges of sharing customer data in a highly regulated industry, how the Native Application Framework allows Neustar to work directly within their clients’ environments, and how Snowflake “auto-magically” keeps data fresh and up to date.