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Three Ways Active Intelligence Can Support the CFO

Finance has been at the forefront of enterprise analytics for decades. Over the years, these analytics have evolved from reactive, descriptive analytics related to financial performance, treasury holdings, and inventory management to predictive and prescriptive analytics for risk, credit, and financial business modeling.

How To Scale Threat Detection & Response With Snowflake & Securonix

Securonix brings exciting new capabilities to the field of threat detection and response thanks to its integration with Snowflake. Together, the two companies provide a split-architecture solution that solves the problem of data silos and enables organizations to make better, more timely decisions about potential threats to their organization. It’s a next-gen SIEM solution already finding widespread use in such organizations as healthcare institutions, airlines, and telecommunication companies.

A Window Into the Future of Data in Motion and What It Means for Businesses

Modern businesses have vast amounts of data at their fingertips and are acutely aware of how enterprise data strategies positively impact business outcomes. Despite this, only a handful of organisations interact with all stages of the data life cycle process to truly distill information that distinguishes future-ready businesses from the rest.

Power to the people - creating trust in data with collaborative governance

Today’s enterprise IT organizations are experiencing a massive upheaval due to pressure from employee forces. It’s a familiar story. Just think of the turmoil caused by the dawning of the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) era, with employees demanding to use their beloved personal mobile phones for work.

Pentaho 9.3 Suite Drives Modern Business Intelligence Across the Hybrid Cloud

Hitachi Vantara’s latest improvements to Pentaho make it significantly easier for organizations to move data workloads from on premises to the cloud and back again. The new Pentaho 9.3 Long-Term Support (LTS), part of Hitachi’s Lumada portfolio, offers a cloud deployment option that we anticipate will be a critical accelerant of data-driven transformation.

Monitor & analyze BigQuery performance using Information Schema

In the exponentially growing data warehousing space, it is very important to capture, process and analyze the metadata and metrics of the jobs/queries for the purposes of auditing, tracking, performance tuning, capacity planning, etc. Historically, on-premise (on-prem) legacy data warehouse solutions have mature methods of collecting and reporting performance insights via query log reports, workload repositories etc. However all of this comes with an overhead of cost-storage & cpu.

Beyond Observability for the Modern Data Stack

The term “observability” means many things to many people. A lot of energy has been spent—particularly among vendors offering an observability solution—in trying to define what the term means in one context or another. But instead of getting bogged down in the “what” of observability, I think it’s more valuable to address the “why.” What are we trying to accomplish with observability? What is the end goal?