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Google Cloud named a Leader in the 2020 Forrester Wave for API Management Solutions

APIs are a critical component of any enterprise’s digital transformation strategy. They can drive customer engagement, accelerate time to market of new services, power innovation and unlock new business opportunities. Therefore, choosing the right API management platform is critical to running a successful API program, and research from industry analyst firms like Forrester Research can help enterprises evaluate and choose the right solution.

Our reflections on the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Solutions

“Every organization — no matter how big or how small — needs data quality,” says Gartner in its newly published Magic Quadrant for Data Quality Solutions. However, with more and more data coming from more and more sources, it’s increasingly harder for data professionals to transform the growing data chaos into trusted and valuable data assets.

Upgrade your test strategy with the Xray Exploratory App

Exploratory testing helps you cover more untested code, discover new testing scenarios, and find hard to catch bugs which might go unnoticed when you initially drafted your test cases. Take advantage of exploratory testing with the new Xray Exploratory App and ensure the highest quality for your systems. Uncover hidden bugs, reach maximum code coverage and use the skills of testers to find errors.

k6 v0.27.0 and v0.27.1 released

k6 v0.27.0 is finally out! It has been over a year since the k6 team started working on this release, which includes a multitude of new features, improvements, bugfixes and beyond. This release was an effort to redefine performance and load-testing in k6, by introducing a new execution engine and lots of new executors on top, along with the most requested feature, scenarios. It also includes many UX improvements and bugfixes.

Kuma 0.7.0 Released With New "Zone" Resource, New ProxyTemplate, StatefulSet support And More!

We are happy to announce the general availability of Kuma 0.7! This is very big release that includes countless improvements and updates, specifically when it comes to multi-zone deployments configuration and Kubernetes deployments. We strongly suggest to upgrade to this new version while paying attention to a few breaking changes that 0.7 introduces. For a complete list of features and updates, take a look at the full changelog.