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Navigating Kong Konnect Is Easier and More Powerful with the Revamped Search Bar in the UI

You can use the new comprehensive search bar in Kong Konnect to quickly retrieve the information you need across Konnect entities so you can focus on taking action. Operating through a platform search API, the new search bar’s query syntax offers advanced and precise search capabilities and is designed to cater to a wide range of search requirements, enabling you to find the information you need across different areas of the product with ease and speed.

Federated Connectivity: Unlocking Data Silos with API Gateways

"The whole is more than the sum of its parts." Aristotle is credited with this quote, and it's true in the world of data. Legacy systems typically approached their role in a limited manner. Each system was intended to be used by a certain user set and handle well-defined processes and associated data. The result was a disintegrated environment with data being difficult to obtain, and frequently out of date. The parts couldn't easily cooperate to make a whole.

Managing Application Auth for Different Audiences

Let’s pose a hypothetical scenario. You're the API product owner at the Paris, Texas Regional Airport. You're in charge of two main APIs: Flights API and Scheduling API. Flights API is primarily used by local research institutions that are interested in read-only access to information about departures and arrivals. Scheduling API is primarily used by airline partners who are interested in updating information about their flights and gates.

Kong Mesh 2.7: Leveling Up Usability and Security

Kong Mesh 2.7 is here! And with it come a slew of new features to make our simple and powerful enterprise service mesh even easier to use and more powerful for your particular needs. In this blog post, we'll cover the new features and show how Kong Mesh 2.7 can deliver a superior service mesh experience for your organization.

Introducing Insomnia 9.0 with Pre-request Scripting, Improved Offline Access, API Mocking, and 100+ Improvements

Kong Insomnia 9.0 is now generally available for download. It ships with many new features and improvements — over one hundred improvements in total! This new version of Kong Insomnia also makes it much easier to migrate from other products with a more reliable “import” experience, while improving the speed of using the product and making it more customizable. Let’s dive into all the notable features.

Announcing the GA of Kong Konnect Dedicated Cloud Gateways

Today we announce the general availability of Kong Konnect Dedicated Cloud Gateways, delivering on our promise when we launched the service in tech preview late last year. Cloud Gateways is a fully managed, multi-region API management solution. It’s the easiest and fastest way to deploy performant, scalable, and highly available global API management infrastructure in the cloud using Kong Gateway with Kong Konnect, Kong’s unified API platform.

Down the Rabbit Hole: Uncovering the Reasons Behind a Mysterious Performance Regression

At Kong, we take the robustness and performance of our gateway product seriously, dedicating ourselves to maintaining high standards through a robust internal benchmark framework and infrastructure. Our setup includes a dedicated bare metal cluster for running performance tests, seamlessly integrated into our CI/CD process. Moreover, we conduct extensive performance testing for each major, minor, and patch release candidate.

Keeping Your APIs Safe: Best Practices for Top-Notch Security

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are everywhere, and they play a role in running nearly everything in our digital-centric lives. Each time we launch a web page or an app on our phone, dozens of API calls are happening in the background to render an experience heavily customized to you. Increasingly, even the everyday items in your home are talking to APIs — from smart speakers like Amazon Echo to appliances, electricity meters, and lightbulbs.

How to Manage Your Kubernetes Services with an API Gateway

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers into logical units for easy management and discovery. API gateways sit between clients and microservices. They act as a reverse proxy to accept all API calls, then route and transform requests to appropriate microservice.