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What's New in Kong Ingress Controller 3.1?

Kong Ingress Controller 3.1 provides brand-new capabilities for keeping your secrets secure. We’ve introduced new KongVault and KongLicense CRDs, and added a way to keep sensitive information in your cluster when using KIC in Konnect. Finally, there’s a quality-of-life improvement that allows you to use a Kubernetes secret to populate a single field in a KongPlugin configuration.

API Security Risks and How to Mitigate Them

Today, more organizations than ever before rely on web and mobile applications and partner integrations to help them automate and scale, making APIs essential to today’s software ecosystem. But because APIs are gateways to sensitive data, this also makes them an attractive target for hackers who are constantly evolving their strategies to access private information.

Guide to API Security in the IoT Age

From smart homes to wearable devices to connected cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing about a new era of hyper-connectivity. Experts expect investments in the IoT ecosystem to rise above $1 trillion in 2026 — with no signs of slowing down. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are the backbone of IoT, ensuring scalability and security across billions of connected devices.

What Role Does Microsegmentation Play in Zero Trust Security?

With digital transformation shifting networks into the cloud — from remote workforces to online banking — cyberattacks are growing more prevalent and sophisticated. Legacy security models like VPNs and perimeter-based firewalls are proving inadequate in addressing modern threats because perimeters are becoming harder to define.

Owning Infrastructure vs Owning Policies: Balancing Engineering Autonomy and Platform Control of APIs

We want our engineering teams to move fast and be agile, yet many organizations confuse ownership of the infrastructure with ownership of the policies. The latter is what engineering teams want to rapidly iterate and develop their APIs. The former is the responsibility of the platform team. In this post, we'll talk about how to empower engineers with a secure API infrastructure strategy. This is part of a series on becoming a secure API-first company.

Kong Konnect Data Plane Elasticity on Amazon EKS 1.29: Pod Autoscaling with VPA

In this series of posts, we will look closely at how Kong Konnect Data Planes can take advantage of Autoscalers running on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS) 1.29 to support the throughput the demands API consumers impose on it at the lowest cost. The series comprises four parts.

Kong Mesh 2.6: More Flexibility, Usability, and Security

The first release of Kong Mesh for 2024 (version 2.6) brings many new features that ease day 0 for new starters of service mesh reinforcing our goal of making a simple yet powerful product! In this blog, we'll break down these new features and provide tailored use cases to illustrate how Kong Mesh 2.6 can elevate your service mesh experience. We'll focus on three main categories: flexibility, usability, and security.

Day 0 Service Mesh: A Simplified Approach for Building Microservices

The acceleration of microservices and containerized workloads has revolutionized software delivery at scale. However, these distributed architectures also introduce significant complexity around networking, security, and observability. As development teams grappled with reliability and governance issues, the service mesh pattern emerged to simplify management.

Gateway API vs Ingress: The Future of Kubernetes Networking

As Kubernetes has become the de facto orchestration platform for deploying cloud native applications, networking and traffic management have emerged as pivotal challenges when managing access to services and infrastructure. The core Kubernetes Ingress resource addresses basic Layer 7 (L7) routing needs but has limitations in terms of flexibility, functionality, and standardization.