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Build your data analytics skills with the latest no cost BigQuery trainings

BigQuery is a fully-managed enterprise data warehouse that helps you manage and analyze your data with built-in features like machine learning, geospatial analysis, and intelligent caching for business intelligence. To help you make the most of BigQuery, we’re offering the following no cost, on-demand training opportunities.

Telecom Network Analytics: Transformation, Innovation, Automation

One of the most substantial big data workloads over the past fifteen years has been in the domain of telecom network analytics. Where does it stand today? What are its current challenges and opportunities? In a sense, there have been three phases of network analytics: the first was an appliance based monitoring phase; the second was an open-source expansion phase; and the third – that we are in right now – is a hybrid-data-cloud and governance phase. Let’s examine how we got here.

Terabytes of Data but Still No Good Insights?

In our modern digital society, data is abundant, and storage is affordable. Businesses, governments and even individuals can (and do) collect every transaction, click, swipe, location, message and attribute in their datasets. With just a few clicks on my smart device, I can review data on every place I’ve been, how much I spent, every step I took, what the weather was like and who I was with. Businesses collect the same abundance of data.

How Klearnow went from sleepless nights to a booming data business with ThoughtSpot

Sometimes I walk through the grocery store and marvel at the way customers float through the aisles, blissfully unaware of the logistical nightmare it probably took to stock the shelves. They have no idea how many people, systems, and modes of transportation it takes to make everything magically appear on their grocery shelves. But I do. As the Senior Director of Software Engineering at KlearNow, I spend my days preserving the bliss of those grocery shoppers.

Speed Up Your Data Flow for Business Results

A slow car has never won a Formula One race. The Olympics doesn’t reward slow times in swimming, track or any other clock-timed sport. Likewise, slow data speeds don’t win over customers or colleagues in the real-time business world. Microsoft’s own research once reported that a person visiting a website on a connected device is likely to wait no more than 10 seconds to see it before moving to a competitor’s site.

"So, How Do We Make This Work?" - Tracking Employee COVID Vaccination and Testing in As Little As 15 Minutes

With COVID-19’s ever-changing conditions – growing infection rates, shifting and new vaccine mandates, variant outbreaks and office closures and re-openings – HR has stepped up and taken on a significant role in helping organizations navigate every employee’s personal and work life needs. COVID-19 accelerated the evolution already underway in HR, with HR growing beyond being a policy and procedure hub into a strategic business partner.

Customer segmentation with Cosmo, Chief Destiny Officer

Do you ever feel like connecting with the right customer audience is just a matter of luck? We’ve met a CDO who leaves audience targeting up to chance. Cosmo, CDO is not a Chief Data Officer — he’s a Chief Destiny Officer. While we focus on data here at Talend, we’re trying to understand the 36% of business executives who say they don’t base the majority of their decisions on data.

Supercharge your Airflow Pipelines with the Cloudera Provider Package

Many customers looking at modernizing their pipeline orchestration have turned to Apache Airflow, a flexible and scalable workflow manager for data engineers. With 100s of open source operators, Airflow makes it easy to deploy pipelines in the cloud and interact with a multitude of services on premise, in the cloud, and across cloud providers for a true hybrid architecture.

In the Quest for Success, Never Stop Being Curious With Data

My whole life I’ve been curious. You have to be, to become an entrepreneur. I’m curious about trends, about looking at data and finding patterns, which might show you where the next opportunity lies. And, as I discussed with Joe DosSantos in the latest episode of Data Brilliant, I’m a big believer in experimentation and learning by putting the data and analysis into practice.