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Web Performance Monitoring: A How to Guide for Developers

As developers, we would rather be writing code all day than doing anything else. Especially meetings or fighting production problems. Unfortunately, both are part of the job. All developers need to understand the basics of web performance monitoring. It won’t help you get out of meetings, but it will help prevent production fires and put them out faster. Although, I guess it might also help you avoid meetings about production problems.

5 Reasons You Should Mask PII

If personally identifiable information (PII) falls into the wrong hands, it could have devastating consequences for both you and the affected individuals. But what if you could transform that information so that it would be useless to any attacker? That’s exactly what PII masking seeks to do. So what is PII data masking exactly, and how does PII masking help safeguard your sensitive and confidential information from PII data breaches? Keep reading for all the answers.

What You Need to Know About NetSuite

ERP (enterprise resource planning) software helps organizations streamline and optimize their processes and workflows by maximizing efficiencies and enabling better reporting, intelligence, and analytics. From human resources and logistics to finance and sales, nearly every department can benefit from the judicious use of the right ERP software.

Cloudera Operational Database Replication in a Nutshell

In this previous blog post we provided a high-level overview of Cloudera Replication Plugin, explaining how it brings cross-platform replication with little configuration. In this post, we will cover how this plugin can be applied in CDP clusters and explain how the plugin enables strong authentication between systems which do not share mutual authentication trust.

4 Considerations When Building Your Government Data Strategy

If you’ve followed Cloudera for a while, you know we’ve long been singing the praises—or harping on the importance, depending on perspective—of a solid, standalone enterprise data strategy. While certainly not a new concept, Government missions are wholly dependent on real time access/analysis of data (wherever it may be (legacy data centers or public cloud) to render insight to support operational decisions.

Staying Agile on VMs and Kubernetes With Service Mesh

Over the past ten years, Clubhouse and other innovative startups built software quickly. They started from scratch and blew past their incumbents. But the fact of the matter is that speed is no longer a differentiator. Everyone can move quickly. We’ve seen it as Facebook and Twitter quickly duplicated Clubhouse’s “innovative” functionality. Today, it’s all about agility—taking the momentum that you’ve already built up.

The Definitive Guide To Kubernetes Application Debugging

Often hailed as a game-changer, Kubernetes has altered the way that organizations deploy and manage their software, making the job of handling larger and more complex workloads easier. Yet, with its advantages of velocity and scale come new challenges, particularly in how developers approach debugging their code. The highly distributed nature of Kubernetes that makes it so effective for handling cloud-native software means that the traditional approaches to debugging are no longer applicable.