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Application Lifecycle Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Discipline is the key to success for all companies doing well in their field or reaching a trillion-dollar valuation. They manage the software and update it very frequently when it comes to providing services. So how are they able to manage it and keep their software updated every moment? The answer is ALM—Application Lifecycle Management. ALM includes the people, the software, the tools, and the processes included in software development, from planning to deploying it for end customers.

When 'Good Enough' Isn't Good Or Enough

You know the phrase “good enough”? As in, “it’s good enough right now, we can worry about fixing it in the future”? Well, when it comes to software development, I really hate that phrase. Let me explain why. Simply, it’s because the concept of ‘good enough’ isn’t true. It’s the best type of paradox. Something is either good or it’s holding you back.

What's new with BigQuery ML: Unsupervised anomaly detection for time series and non-time series data

When it comes to anomaly detection, one of the key challenges that many organizations face is that it can be difficult to know how to define what an anomaly is. How do you define and anticipate unusual network intrusions, manufacturing defects, or insurance fraud? If you have labeled data with known anomalies, then you can choose from a variety of supervised machine learning model types that are already supported in BigQuery ML.

Interview With CTO & Co-founder Alexander De Ridder

For the newest instalment in our series of interviews asking leading technology specialists about their achievements in their field, we’ve welcomed the CTO & co-founder of INK, Alexander De Ridder to share his journey to launching the first AI-based web content optimization editor. Alexander is the mastermind behind the award-winning technology that's helped deliver over a million more organic visitors per month for Fortune 100 companies and freelance content creators alike.

Privacy & Security Rules for Healthcare Marketers

Marketing is more complex if you're engaged in the healthcare field. Whether you work with patients or market to consumers interested in healthcare products, it's important to understand HIPAA guidelines. This article explains the basics of HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, and how this legislation affects your marketing strategy.

2021: The Year Banks Rethink Their API Strategy

Co-authored by Samta Bansal More than two million British people use Open Banking-based products today, a number that, despite the disruption of COVID-19, is double that seen at the start of 2020. No wonder International Banker dubbed 2021 “The Year of Open Banking.” As open banking spreads worldwide, its growth comes with the pressing need to drive standardization that bridges geographic boundaries and regulatory frameworks.

How to Create A Business Case For Your Hybrid Cloud Strategy

The application landscape is swiftly moving from monolithic architectures towards next-gen applications running on microservices. It’s all about fast delivery of applications and services to stay competitive in the market. Making this change gives businesses the agility and flexibility to quickly launch innovative new digital services.

Yellowfin 9.6 release highlights

9.6 is focused on Yellowfin features that enhance the way our customers build, design and embed stunning analytical content, which include data storytelling, augmented analytics, actionable dashboards — and provide a high ease-of-use experience. As always, you can read the full list of updates in our release notes page, and view our release highlights video below to see the new enhancements demonstrated.