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From A to (series) B

Today I’m absolutely thrilled to announce Ably’s $70M Series B co-led by Insight Partners and Dawn Capital LLP. We’ve grown immensely since I shared details of Ably’s Series A funding in 2020. Back then we reached 50 million devices per month. Our mission is to become the definitive infrastructure of the internet, so we set ourselves the goal of reaching one billion devices by 2025, which felt like an insurmountable challenge at the time.

PHP Workers: Everything You Need To Know

When you are on the lookout for a hosting plan or web hosting solution for your websites, you must choose a hosting solution that matches your website’s needs and requirements. The hosting plan you choose must provide the required storage space, bandwidth, and other resources that easily accommodate your website’s traffic without any performance lag or other issues.

Creating a System BoM For Software Development

When working on electronic products, many organizations divide their projects between hardware and software teams working in parallel. This is because these engineering teams have distinct methodologies to how they design, document, and communicate their changes to the design. This approach, however, can lead to costly issues, which is where a system-level bill of materials (system BoM) is critical for bringing hardware and software teams together.

Desktop K8S in 2021

For this article we’ll dig into some of the options for Local Kubernetes Clusters if you are developing on a Mac. When doing microservices development, eventually you will want to start to test integrated services together. And there are several options available to run these tests: Tests were conducted on a 2019 MacBook Pro (Big Sur). I’m not embarrassed to say that I cut my teeth on minikube. This is the recommended path for onboarding into Kubernetes and has a ton of benefits.

Mercury Rising in BigQuery with Multistatement Transactions

Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, is often depicted carrying a purse, symbolic of business transactions, wearing winged sandals, illustrating his abilities to move at great speeds. Transactions power the world’s business systems today, ranging from millions of packages moving worldwide tracked in real time by logistics companies to global payments from personal loans to securities trading to intergovernmental transactions, keeping goods and services flowing worldwide.

Interview With Transmosis CEO Chase Norlin

For the seventh instalment in our series of interviews asking leading technology specialists about their achievements in their field, we’ve welcomed the CEO of Transmosis, Chase Norlin to share his journey in the field of cybersecurity as well as his recommendations for those looking to start their career in cybersecurity.

Become an affiliate marketer with these easy steps

One of the viable options to earn money working from home and without having to spend a lot of money to start your own business is affiliate marketing. Becoming an affiliate marketer in 2021 is very easy and all you need is passion and dedication to promoting products and services that you are familiar with, have some experience, or simply are interested in promoting. Affiliate marketing also allows you to run your own business with a small upfront investment and all while working from home.

What is Customer Data Ingestion?

The verdict is in: The more you analyze your customer data, the better chance you have of outperforming your business rivals, attracting new prospects and providing excellent service. For example, a report by McKinsey & Company has good news for companies who are "intensive users of customer analytics:" Their chances of excelling at new customer acquisition and being highly profitable are 23 and 19 times more likely, respectively, than those of their competitors.