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How To Plan Your Transition From Manual To Automation Testing

According to a survey conducted on software test automation, 51% of organisations prefer to retrain existing staff in test automation skills. While there are still 49% that would like to hire them specially for test automation related tasks. Other findings from the same survey confirmed that organisations want to move to more of test automation and a minimum of manual testing. To quote the findings, “Only 5% of survey respondents said they currently carry out 0:100 manual: automation testing.

Log Analysis: What Is It and How Does It Work?

If you work in Information Technology, you have doubtless encountered logs- in fact depending on your area of expertise, you may be inundated with them on a daily basis. Nearly every piece of digital technology produces some kind of log, from complex web applications to the drivers that power your mouse and keyboard. As such, the definition of what a “log” actually is, is necessarily loose; any output received from a piece of software could be considered a log.

20.3 Release Highlights: Post-Deployment Workflows

The software development life cycle doesn’t stop at development. Many low-code options today provide tools to accelerate application development. However, they do little to help developers deploy or maintain applications. Appian recognized these issues years ago and have worked to build a platform that delivers the value of low-code throughout the entire application lifecycle.

Collaboration is Key to Reducing Pain and Finding Value in Data

When it comes to cloud, being an early adopter does not necessarily put you ahead of the game. I know of companies that have been perpetually “doing cloud” for 10 years, but very few that have “done cloud” in a way that democratises and makes data accessible, with minimal pain points. Cloud is an enabler. It makes it easier to collect, analyse, and disseminate information.

What's Coming in Selenium 4: How Can I Contribute?

As the lead of the Selenium project, I wanted to kick off a new blog series leading up to the release of Selenium 4. During this series, I’ll talk all about how the Selenium project works, who is involved, how you—yes, you!—can get involved, and we’ll get a sneak peek at what’s new in Selenium 4. I've been speaking about this off and on for a while, but now the 4.0 release is looming I wanted to start sharing in more depth.

The Impact of Culture On Data and Analytics Adoption During COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a bright light on the need for flexible and engaging leadership. Most of the recent leadership-themed articles focus on how to bridge the remote-only workplace relationship gap, the importance of increased engagement and empathy, and the need to provide technology that empowers and provides a more equitable work/life balance.

Different Types Of Tools To Help Make Tester's Day-To-Day Life Easier

Testers, in their day-to-day lives, have to do many types of tasks. And to enable them to do those tasks there are many tools in the market too. These tools usually specialize in helping the testers perform a certain task. Sometimes these tools can be used to completely automate the tasks while at other times these tools can make the tasks easier. In this article we will try to broadly categorize these tools. The categories have been created according to when these tools are used.