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How to work with attachments

If you need to work with an attachment – create or send one – there are several connectors that support that. Don’t be confused by what you see now, Simple Trigger is not one of them, but I’m using it here to send some information along the flow. Now what I’m really looking for is the CSV connector, and here I’m using it to create – or, in fact, write a CSV file as an attachment.

How to add business logic with content-based router

To explain the usage of our content-based router that enables you to add some business logic to your integration flow, let’s imagine that I have received a Google Spreadsheet file with unsorted leads data, for example, from downloading a coupon on a website. To convert these leads to customers, I’d like to offer them something of interest with a specifically targeted campaign based on the country of residence. For that, I need to filter and split the list.

Connecting to 3rd-party APIs - How to work with REST API connector

In this video, I’m working with our REST API connector to connect to our own Integration Management API. We offer several ways to authenticate an API depending on its configuration. Here we take basic authentication with username and password. Now with the API, the username is actually the email address you registered with. You can navigate to the Profile Information page to copy it from there.

How to work with databases

To start working with a MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle or MSSQL database, all you need to do is to select our Database connector. We have already learned from the short video on credentials that there are quite a few fields to fill in when you need to connect to a database for the first time. The data you see me enter here is merely from our test database.

Advanced data mapping techniques - The passthrough feature

Let’s start by naming our flow. Here we are taking the webhook connector as our trigger. In case you skipped our previous short tutorial on webhooks, you need to copy this link and paste it in an empty tab to receive a sample. Now we are going to modify the sample – or correctly speaking, add it manually. These are just sample values to demonstrate how the passthrough feature works, so there is no point in seeking any deep meaning in them.