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Kotlin Arrays Simplified: The Definitive Guide

An array is like a box with compartments, where you can store a set number of items of the same kind. Arrays play a crucial role in Kotlin, helping us hold many items together. They allow us to send multiple values to a function easily, or make various changes to the data. There are various different forms of arrays in Kotlin, including the object-type array, represented by something called the array class.

How is the Scope of Wellness Industry in Future lookalike?

The most apparent shift that the 21st century has witnessed is the perception of the health and wellness industry. In the not-so-distant past, staying fit and living a wellness-focused lifestyle often meant relying on those old workout tapes or fitness DVDs. Well, been there, done that! However, as we fast forward to today, look at how the wellness industry has changed! We've witnessed a digital transformation in a way that is sure to make an impact on the scope of wellness industry in future and beyond.

Exploring Swift Collections: In-Depth Guide to Arrays, Sets, and Dictionaries

In Swift there are 3 primary types of collections to store your data in a structured way, namely: In this article we aim to give you an overview of each. Specifically we want to show how they’re declared, illustrate the most common operations of each, provide comparisons between them where applicable and highlight the various performance considerations.

Swift Closures Explained: A Comprehensive Guide for iOS Developers

Closures provide a powerful, flexible way for iOS developers to define and use functions in Swift, replacing the blocks used in its predecessor Objective-C. They provide self-contained modules of functionality that you can move around in your code, similar to the lambdas found in other programming languages. Crucially, closures can capture and store references to any constants and variables from the context in which they’re defined.

Setting the New Standard for Mobile DevOps - Bitrise vs Self-hosted solutions

Is self-managed CI infrastructure crushing your soul? Reach out to us or download our latest datasheet to learn more about how Bitrise can help your mobile engineering organization deliver with its fullest potential. Build better mobile applications, faster! Save time, money, and developer frustration with fast, flexible, and scalable mobile CI/CD that just works.

Building Efficient Data-Driven Apps: A GraphQL Tutorial for iOS App Developers

GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs, developed by Facebook in 2012 and later open-sourced in 2015. And it has changed the way we fetch data from our server. Typically, most front-end clients – like React, Angular, Vue, or mobile apps like iOS and Android – use REST APIs to fetch data from the server. REST APIs require more HTTP calls than GraphQL, which leads to over and underfetching.

100% Flakiness-free UI test automation with Kaspresso and Allure TestOps

UI testing in mobile app development is a challenging task due to multiple factors such as flaky tests, saving screenshots, printing useful logs and readability of test codes. We will be talking about a new UI testing framework Kaspresso for Android apps and how it is different from other frameworks when it comes down to solving these challenges.

New to Bitrise: Enhanced Xcode Reporting & Build Annotations

This blog post unpacks Bitrise's latest updates, including the General Availability launch of Enhanced Xcode Reporting and Build Annotations. Discover how these new features can enhance your building, testing, and debugging processes, providing developers with a more efficient and insightful experience.

Introducing Bitrise Build Cache - a fully-managed remote build & test cache

The Bitrise Build Cache is a game-changing tool, unlike anything the market has seen before. A fully-managed remote build & test cache for alternate build tools such as Gradle, Bazel, Tuist, and more. The Build Cache offering is fully managed and deeply integrated into the Bitrise CI/CD platform, which brings a whole host of benefits.