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Apache Ozone Powers Data Science in CDP Private Cloud

Apache Ozone is a scalable distributed object store that can efficiently manage billions of small and large files. Ozone natively provides Amazon S3 and Hadoop Filesystem compatible endpoints in addition to its own native object store API endpoint and is designed to work seamlessly with enterprise scale data warehousing, machine learning and streaming workloads. The object store is readily available alongside HDFS in CDP (Cloudera Data Platform) Private Cloud Base 7.1.3+.

The Journey to Processing PII in the Data Cloud

During the process of turning data into insights, the most compelling data often comes with an added responsibility—the need to protect the people whose lives are caught up in that data. Plenty of data sets include sensitive information, and it’s the duty of every organization, down to each individual, to ensure that sensitive information is handled appropriately.

Participant media can now be split up

With the growing demands for online communication platforms, the need for testing various scenarios has drastically increased. Therefore when testing WebRTC application implementations most of the time there is a need to provide a video and audio feed to the application to test various aspects of the functionality implementation. To address this need, Loadero was providing several preset audio and video feed configuration combinations.

The top 10 books every data and analytics leader must read

In the final episode of season two of The Data Chief podcast, we talk with authors of four must-read books for data and analytics leaders — two new and two time-tested. As you invest in your continuous learning, here is the full round up of the latest top books I recommend for today’s data and analytics leaders.

Service Mesh 101: The Role of Envoy

If you’ve done any reading about service meshes, you’ve probably come across mentions of an open source project named Envoy. And if you’ve done any reading about Envoy, you’ve probably seen references to service meshes. How are these two technologies related? How are they different? Do they work together? I’ll attempt to answer all those questions in this blog post’s first and second parts, plus possibly a few more.

What is REST API Design?

Modern business requires a range of digital components to communicate effectively when transferring data and delivering critical messages. Application programming interfaces, or APIs, are sets of rules that regulate exactly how certain apps or machines connect. If you work with data at all, you’ll have heard of REST or RESTful, and REST APIs — but what is REST API design? We explain below.

Kuma 1.3 and Kong Mesh 1.4 Released With Service Map, CA Rotation, mTLS Permissive and 10+ features.

We are happy to announce a new major release of Kuma, and a new major release of Kong Mesh built on Kuma! Kuma 1.3 ships with 10+ new features and countless improvements. Kong Mesh ships we enterprise capabilities for large scale service mesh deployments. We strongly suggest to upgrade, in order to take advantage of the latest and greatest when it comes to service mesh.

Troubleshooting Cloud Services and Infrastructure with Log Analytics

Troubleshooting cloud services and infrastructure is an ongoing challenge for organizations of all sizes. As organizations adopt more cloud services and their cloud environments grow more complex, they naturally produce more telemetry data – including application, system and security logs that document all types of events. All cloud services and infrastructure components generate their own, distinct logs.