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Why password security is more important than ever

Stop what you’re doing and make your passwords more secure! How, you ask? Read on to find out. It’s become very anecdotal when we speak about passwords for our online accounts and why these might matter. We all take this very lightly and assume that no one can guess or work out what our passwords are and thus we think no one will be able to access our most sensitive information be it online bank accounts, Amazon accounts, or your emails. We are wrong.

The Appian Cloud Security Advantage

Appian has been a recognized leader in cloud-based enterprise software platforms since delivering Appian Cloud in 2007. From the outset, we built our software to integrate with and complement the cloud’s unique advantages, and to protect it from vulnerabilities. We did so with a unique design philosophy, employing cloud-native and globally recognized frameworks like NIST for optimal security protection, business continuity, and enhanced support.

Balancing Innovation and Security With Automation

Automating digital transformation API deployments can help speed time to market and minimize the resources required for the deployments — if developers can be assured that the automated process meets all necessary security requirements. It’s a topic that Kong Senior CustomerExperience Manager Peggy Guyott and Kong Senior Solutions Engineer Ned Harris discussed on a recent webinar as part of the Destination: Automation 2021 digital event.

Authentication and Authorization for RESTful APIs: Steps to Getting Started

Why do APIs require authentication in the first place? Users don't always need keys for read-only APIs. However, most commercial APIs require permission via API keys or other ways. Users might make an unlimited number of API calls without needing to register if your API had no security. Allowing limitless requests would make it impossible to develop a business structure for your API. Furthermore, without authentication, it would be difficult to link requests to individual user data.

How To Setup an SSH Tunnel Connection

In this video, we will set up an SSH tunnel connection within Xplenty to access a server on a private network. When configuring SSH tunnels for connecting to databases, authentication is performed using the SSH server. This can be done via either user name and password authentication or by using key-based authentication. Key-based authentication gives the user the ability to log in without a password.

Interview with Cybersecurity Specialist Charles Denyer

For our latest specialist interview in our series speaking to technology leaders from around the world, we’ve welcomed Charles Denyer. Charles is an Austin-based cybersecurity and national security expert who has worked with hundreds of US and international organizations. He is a founding member and senior partner in two consulting and compliance firms.