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Build automation - how can your project benefit from it?

As the size of a software project grows, so does the complexity of integrating changes made by multiple developers and resolving conflicts and other issues as they arise. Quality control can also become progressively more difficult without proper management of the build pipeline. Automated builds are the standard solution to this problem across the industry. Understanding build automation in detail is a valuable skill for any developer, no matter the size of their team.

4 Most Common Myths Around Test Automation

A common theme among most software testing organizations is their escalating interest in Test Automation. While test automation has grown in popularity, there are still many myths and biases surrounding it. Such myths can unknowingly create a self-limiting boundary and negatively impact the possibilities of test automation. In this article, I will discuss some common test automation myths and biases that people have towards test automation.

Selendroid vs. Appium - Which to Choose for Your Mobile App Testing

Two popular mobile test automation tools are Selendroid and Appium. Both are loved by the developer community, and for good reason. In fact, they’re so popular that Selendroid is currently bundled into the Appium package in order to provide support for Android versions 2.3 through 4.1. Appium automatically switches to Selendroid when users want to run tests for these Android versions.

Manual Testing vs Automation Testing : The raging debate in an Agile World

To understand the take of professionals in the IT landscape, we initiated a discussion titled 'Is Manual Testing Going To Die?' in a highly active Test Automation group in LinkedIn. Within a couple of days, there were amazing perspectives in the form of hundred of comments from numerous testing professionals across the globe.

API Test Automation for Open Banking and PSD2 Compliance

Open banking is a natural evolution in the API economy. By laying the foundation for web platform and mobile developers to build third-party products and services using any number of public (open) APIs, banks, financial services and insurance companies are ushering in next-generation customer experiences that are more frictionless and personalized.

Hands-On Test Automation: Using Selenium With Python

You just finished creating your web application and want to clean it from any possible bugs, imperfections, and performance issues. But you feel a bit overwhelmed with the choice of testing tools and frameworks and the articles singing their praises. In this article, we will explore using Selenium with Python for test automation.

How to Choose the Right Open Source Test Automation Tool

Organizations worldwide are adopting open-source software to drive technological innovations. Testers look beyond the obvious benefit of cost while embracing open-source test automation tools. The reliability, transparency, flexibility are added benefits of choosing an open-source test automation tool. Saving time is saving money! Open-source tools save time reinventing the wheel to build your test automation framework from scratch.

Introducing Linx 6

Seven years ago, we announced Linx 5, a release specifically designed to modernise and commercialise an internal tool we had been using with our enterprise customers for the previous 15 years. By all accounts, Linx 5 was a huge success with our customers and partners. With Linx 6, we’ve built on that success with new features, a streamlined UI, and a new diffable file format – something our customers have been clamouring for.