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Evolving Security From "Time Suck" to Productivity Creator

The challenge with security around the development process is that too often it has felt like it was bolted on after the fact, because it was. It’s no wonder that an announcement that a new security tool has been added to the process is likely to elicit a collective eye roll from a development team. To be clear, developers are not against security, but they are skeptical of new processes and tools being added by security teams with no development experience.

Let's Go AWS! The Kong Konnect EKS Marketplace Add-on for Kong Gateway Dataplanes is Ready to Go

Today, we’re excited to release the Kong Konnect EKS Marketplace add-on as a means to deploy your Kong Gateway dataplanes in AWS. The add-ons are a step forward in providing fully managed Kubernetes clusters. It is here to simplify the post-procurement process of bootstrapping Kong Konnect gateway data planes, avoid context switching among tools during the installation process, and provide notifications when a new version of Kong Gateway is available, making upgrades seamless.

Ephemeral Environments and the Modern Release Process

Ephemeral Environments are disposable pre-production environments that are used by various members of the development team to test software under specific conditions. Ephemeral environments are an essential part of a modern DevOps process and integral to the development and efficient release of resilient software.

8 Best Practices to Master Container Orchestration and Scale Applications Seamlessly

Mastering container orchestration is the key to scaling applications seamlessly in today’s dynamic digital realm. By leveraging sophisticated platforms like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm, businesses streamline the management of complex application architectures, ensuring efficient resource allocation, fault tolerance, and automated scaling.

Guide to the Best Kubernetes Development Tools

In Kubernetes environments, a suite of essential tools has emerged, addressing various aspects of deployment, management, and troubleshooting within distributed systems. These Kubernetes tools collectively aim to streamline complex processes, enhance productivity, and alleviate challenges inherent in managing modern applications. Efficient deployment, management, monitoring, and troubleshooting are crucial for achieving optimal productivity in Kubernetes ecosystems.

Gateway to the Future: Kong Ingress Controller 3.0

The Kubernetes Gateway API is the future of Kubernetes networking, and Kong are all-in. Kong Ingress Controller (KIC) was the first ingress controller to submit a conformance profile, and we continue to lead the pack. KIC 3.0 adds official support for the Gateway API and makes it the default way to configure Kong Gateway on Kubernetes.

What is Kubernetes CrashLoopBackOff error, and how to fix it?

Kubernetes is one of the most popular container orchestration platforms. It helps with automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. But sometimes, it experiences some turbulences - as in a CrashLoopBackOff Error. Calling it an error is not entirely right. It expresses a state of restart loop happening somewhere in the background, i.e., in a pod.

Kubernetes Gateway API: an Engineering Perspective

The Kubernetes Gateway API represents a massive collaborative effort and key advancement in Kubernetes networking. Developed by multiple vendors and community members, the Gateway API provides a robust and extensible new standard for managing ingress traffic. With the recent general availability of version 1.0.0, the Gateway API is now ready for production use. The release of the Gateway API is a major milestone for Kubernetes networking that has the potential to simplify and enhance ingress management.