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Top 7 Trends in Marketing Analytics for 2021

Powered by advances in machine learning, marketing analytics delivers more bottom-line impact with each passing year. It enables organizations to improve the targeting of ads and other content, optimize their ad spend through advanced marketing attribution, increase customer lifetime value, reduce churn, and more. While technology is making granular targeting and measurement possible, marketers are also doubling down on measures to ensure consumer privacy and data governance in their initiatives.

Snowflake + Fivetran + dbt: Turn Your Marketing Data Silos into Marketing Insights

The 2020 Marketing LUMAscape showcases more than 8,000 tools marketers can use to generate leads, drive brand awareness, and measure all their marketing efforts. But with all those tools, comes a lot of disparate and siloed data. How do you bring them all together in a consistent, reliable, and fast way to understand your ROI, determine attribution, and see which of your marketing efforts are working?

Snowflake for Marketing Analytics

Identify deeper insights with 360° customer views, create relevant messaging and offers, and produce much higher marketing ROI. Snowflake’s platform virtually eliminates data silos to create a single repository for a single copy of your data. As a result, marketing teams extract deep insights and deliver timely, relevant and consistent customer messaging and offers.

How Companies Can Start Unifying Their Marketing Data in 5 Steps

Virtually every marketing organization is taking steps to become more data-driven, but there are considerable gaps between vision and reality. According to a 2018 Salesforce report, only 47% of marketers have a completely unified view of customer data sources. Meanwhile, customer data complexity is only increasing. According to Salesforce’s 2020 “State of Marketing” study, the median number of data sources leveraged by marketers is projected to jump by 50% between 2019 and 2021.