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Overcoming Critical Challenges in Mobile Game Testing

Mobile game testers must consider several aspects when delivering flawless user experiences. Since customers often play across several devices and platforms, consistent experiences aren’t just necessary, they are an expectation. This is what makes mobile game testing different from mobile app testing. Unlike typical apps, mobile game testing is less repeatable and regimented. Unscripted user actions, born out of individual player habits, introduce an element of unpredictability.

Essential Strategies for #APITesting Success | Kunal Ashar | #api #softwaretesting #shorts

In this video, understand the secrets of ensuring robust performance in all possible scenarios. Discover the art of breaking down APIs to test their resilience and functionality across diverse paths. Learn how to strike the right balance between comprehensive testing and practical prioritization, ensuring optimal coverage for various API scenarios. 🎯 Key Highlights.

20 Best ETL Tools and Why You Should Choose Them (Open-Source Tools Included)

Companies acquire massive amounts of data online in today’s digital age. You’ll have to transform the raw data to create usable data, whether gathering data from various sources or creating dashboards and visualizations. This is when ETL comes into play.

Is Software Testing A Good Career Option?

Software Testing is the process of evaluating a software application to ensure that it meets the specified requirements and fit for its purpose. The primary goals of software testing are identifying defects, validate that the software meets user expectations and enhance its overall quality. It ensures that the software functions as intended and delivers a positive user experience.

Cloudera Named Strong Performer in New Forrester Wave for Streaming Platforms

Forrester Research recently released the Forester Wave for Streaming Platforms, Q4 2023. We are happy to share that Cloudera ranked as a strong performer, with a top three score for current offering. This score was stronger than anyone outside of one-cloud vendors Microsoft and Google, including a stronger current offering than Confluent. Cloudera is also the strongest on-prem offering and the only fully hybrid offering to achieve a strong performer score.

Build Great APIs with These Essential REST API Best Practices

When it comes to REST API best practices, it can be hard to understand whats important and what is not. This means that developers need immediate, applicable guidance when it comes to applying best practices for building great APIs. This article will dive into techniques that optimize REST API design for clarity, stability, and speed. Discover how strategic endpoint crafting, judicious HTTP method usage, and meticulous attention to security can revolutionize your API.