Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Pytest Tutorial: Learn How to Test Python Code | Andrew Knight | #softwaretesting #pythontutorial

Unlock the power of Python testing with Andrew Knight's hands-on demonstration using Pytest, the most popular testing framework in the Python ecosystem. In this insightful video, Andrew guides you through the practical aspects of Pytest, showcasing its features and capabilities for effective and efficient testing in Python projects.

9 Best Email API Services for Developers

Using email to communicate with consumers, sell new items, connect with future customers, and much more is crucial for running a successful business. Despite the numerous communication options available today, such as social media platforms, chatbots, and collaboration tools like Slack, email remains a viable and effective option. In fact, Internet Live Stats reports that 2,641,007 emails are received per second.

Accelerate Your Time to Market with Sharing Spaces

The concept of time-to-market has emerged as a pivotal factor in determining success. Bringing new products, services, or features to market can make the crucial difference between seizing opportunities and falling behind. But faster tech advancements, changing consumer preferences, and global market dynamics meant that businesses need a paradigm shift in their approach to strategy. The adoption of APIs has surged, fundamental to rapid development and innovation.

Episode 1: Why everything doesn't need to be generative AI | Rocket Software

Generative AI has everyone talking, but has that buzz overshadowed the potential of predictive AI? We talked with Parag Shah, Senior Director of Data and Analytics at Rocket Software, to explore the hype and hope around both generative and predictive AI.

AI Automation: Carving New Paths to Cost Savings, Innovation, and Competitive Advantage

AI automation involves leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to automate repetitive tasks within operational workflows, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity. This not only streamlines routine tasks within core business processes but also enables companies to scale growth efficiently by integrating a broad range of digital tools such as robotic process automation, APIs, and software robots.

What is the Dual Write Problem? | Designing Event-Driven Microservices

The dual write problem occurs when you try to write to two separate systems and need them to be atomic. If one write fails, and the other succeeds, you can end up with inconsistent state. This is an easy trap to fall into, and it can be difficult to avoid. We'll explore what causes the dual-write problem and explore both valid and invalid solutions to it.

Mastering Day 2 Operations with Cloudera

Delivering transformational innovation and accurate business decisions requires harnessing the full potential of your organization’s entire data ecosystem. Ultimately, this boils down to how reliable and trustworthy the underlying data that feeds your insights and applications is. This applies to modern generative AI solutions that are particularly reliant on trusted, accurate, and context-specific data.