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How to Manage Access to 3rd Party Resources in Kubernetes with Helm

Kubernetes provides the ability to easily deploy and run containerized applications in cloud, on-premise, or hybrid environments. Kubernetes has gained a lot of attention recently and it has become a platform for innovation in containerized applications. One technology which has probably helped Kubernetes grow a lot is Helm, which provides the means to package, install, and manage Kubernetes applications.

[Step-by-Step] Introduction to Talend Master Data Management

With increasing needs for data analytics and ever more stringent laws concerning data security and privacy (looking at you, GDPR), data governance has become a business imperative for any data-driven company. Master Data Management (MDM) is an essential part of any data governance strategy, it is commonly defined as the comprehensive method used to consistently define and manage the critical data of an organization to provide a single point of reference.

Why APIs are products, not one-off projects (webcast)

Leading companies have stopped thinking of APIs as special projects with limited extensibility. APIs are now seen as strategic products for developers, with full lifecycles and long-term roadmaps that evolve to meet business needs. Learn why APIs are a hot topic not only in IT conversations, but also in the executive board room.