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Concept Drift and the Impact of COVID-19 on Data Science

Modern business applications leverage Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models to analyze real-world and large-scale data, to predict or to react intelligently to events. Unlike data analysis for research purposes, models deployed in production are required to handle data at scale and often in real-time, and must provide accurate results and predictions for end-users.

5 Incredible Data Science Solutions For Real-World Problems

Data science has come a long way, and it has changed organizations across industries profoundly. In fact, over the last few years, data science has been applied not for the sake of gathering and analyzing data but to solve some of the most pertinent business problems afflicting commercial enterprises.

Iguazio Releases Version 2.8 Including Enterprise-Grade Automated Pipeline Management, Model Monitoring & Drift Detection

We’re delighted to announce the release of the Iguazio Data Science Platform version 2.8. The new version takes another leap forward in solving the operational challenge of deploying machine and deep learning applications in real business environments. It provides a robust set of tools to streamline MLOps and a new set of features that address diverse MLOps challenges.

What you need to know to begin your journey to CDP

Recently, my colleague published a blog build on your investment by Migrating or Upgrading to CDP Data Center, which articulates great CDP Private Cloud Base features. Existing CDH and HDP customers can immediately benefit from this new functionality. This blog focuses on the process to accelerate your CDP journey to CDP Private Cloud Base for both professional services engagements and self-service upgrades.

Maximizing Power BI with Snowflake

Since Snowflake announced general availability on Azure in November 2018, increasing numbers of customers are deploying their Snowflake accounts on Azure, and with this, more customers are using Power BI as the data visualization and analysis layer. As a result of these trends, customers want to understand the best practices for a successful deployment of Power BI with Snowflake.

What Data and Analytics Will Look Like in the Post-COVID World

COVID-19 has radically altered most aspects of our social worlds and the way we do business. One of the largest impacts to organizations has gone on mostly unseen to the outside world. Companies have been quickly altering the way they manage the keys to their data kingdoms to maximize their data’s value to survive and compete.

Building a unit testing suite with XCTest, Swift, and Bitrise

For example, let’s say that an app that we’re working on supports multiple themes, and that we’re keeping track of the user’s currently selected theme (and other user-configurable settings) through a SettingsController — which in turn uses Foundation’s UserDefaults API to persist those settings, like this.

How Long Should You Hang Onto Your Data?

One of the most common questions that businesses operating under GDPR, LGPD or other similar data regulations have is how long should you keep data? As answers to this question typically seem to vary widely to clear up confusion, we’ve gathered insights from business leaders & specialists across a variety of industries to try and answer this question and shed light on what are reasonable timeframes to keep hold of data, whether that may be financial, employee or other potentially sensitive data.